Environment Magazine

Registration Open for 4th Annual Unis’to’ten Action Camp

Posted on the 26 May 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

Registration Open for 4th Annual Unis’to’ten Action Camp
The date for the Action Camp is set!!! Get a pen and paper (or smart phone) JULY 10, 2013 until JULY 14th, 2013. You will not want to miss out on this year’s camp as we are expecting much much much more people than ever!!! Please go to the Victoria Forest Action Network site


to register to attend this year’s camp. We are working on getting all of the most amazing people here this year and are already developing more progressive workshops that will make you want to do everything we are doing to create a just world that our children will be proud of.

Members of the Wet’suwe’ten First Nation are turning away pipeline workers and surveyors trying to start work on the pipelines. The intruders have been warned about trespassing on unceded land. The Unis’tot’en people are supported by their neighbours in the Likhts’amisyu Clan, the Gidem’ten Clan and other indigenous and non-indigenous allies.

For more information on their struggle -

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