…because I was on a deadline.
Correction. Because I was on multiple deadlines.
Addition. Because I was on multiple deadlines and had rehearsals until 11PM.
Now before we all get excited and you assume I’m not still a Regected Riter, all of these writing deadlines are for unpaid things, self produced projects that I’m initiating throughout the City.
That’s write right. Takeover. Small Fish in a Big Pond.
I’ll tell more about that later.
But in the meantime, I discovered that there was no longer enough time in the day and I could feel every moment passing by. So I did the only thing I could do.
I put my gameface on

I can’t say it was easy. I could hear twitter calling to me.

It would say.

It would say, over and over again.
How would whether or not that hilarious random thought I had WAS hilarious? I DID want to say hello to my friends. My gameface began to falter like jello left out on a hot sidewalk in July.

Maybe I could go on for just five minutes….fives minutes wouldn’t hurt…
“That’s right,” Twitter said,

Just as my resolve was about to shatter, I suddenly remembered something. Something important.
And I looked like this:

And twitter was all,
“First of all, you’re talking to a computer, crazy. Secondly,

And that is exactly what came to pass.
The moral of this story? Well it’s quite simple, really.
If you have a deadline, stay off twitter. Twitter is evil ad wants your soul for its own.
Happy Writing, all!