If you’ve been following me on the twitter (@RegectedRiter, all!), you may have noticed that I sound like this:

That’s because I have a Workshop/Reading this weekend of a play that I’ve written.
Who’s producing it, I hear you ask! Is it the same production team that produced that smash Broadway Hit SPIDERMAN?!

What does a producer DO exactly? We book the spaces, negotiate some deals, sign the checks and wave our money bye bye

So AG, I hear you ask again, Who’s directing this theatrical event of the moment? Is it MARTIN SCORSESE?!

Nah, I like to give up and coming directors a chance to direct.
But none of them wanted to, so I actually chose ME!

Yes, I am directing my own work, which I’ve actually never done before. I have directed a lot and often, but never my own babies!!!! my work.
All right, AG, I can hear you say as you shake your heads, Give it to me straight. Do you at least have the cast of the latest Muppet Movie for your actors?

But I bribed some friends with coffee, donuts and pizza and they agreed to be my actors!

So, why would I spend amounts of money, time and energy into producing a one day workshop/reading that ten people, including my parents, are going to attend?
Simple answer: Because I want to
Slightly More Complex answer: Because getting a regection letter in the e-mail doesn’t mean I can’t work on my plays and make me a better playwright, yo! I can still get a group of people together to read and play with my writing to a small audience that will offer helpful feedback so I could continue writing and growing as a playwright!
That’s why I say
I REGECT YOU, REJECTION! I take that J and turn it into A G!
And that’s what all youse should do, too.
Tell me, what projects (or progects) do you have on your agenda? I wantstaknow!