Diet & Weight Magazine

Recipe Wrap-up: Sugar Free Paleo Treats

By Pureandsimplenourishment
Recipe Wrap-up: Sugar Free Paleo Treats
How was your Thanksgiving weekend? I hope amazing and filled with delicious food, friends and family! Being Canadian we already celebrated our Thanksgiving back in October so it was business as usual for me this weekend, but I was more than happy to partake in some amazing Black Friday deals I must admit. Did you buy anything special? I snagged a coat from Anthropologie that I had been stalking for a while and stocked up on my favorite Wild Rose Beauty Balm from Neal's Yard Remedies. And I even managed to do it all without stepping foot in the crazy busy malls. Double win if you ask me. I can't stand the mall when it's busy. I will never understand why people line up for hours to partake in the Black Friday shopping madness. No deal is that good if you ask me.
I also tried my first hot yoga class this weekend. Wow I don't think I have ever sweat that much in my life. Or been so aware of my heart beat. Seriously I could feel my heart pounding in my chest the whole time. It was bizarre.  I think I will have to go a few more times before I can really make up my mind how I feel about it. It's been my goal to focus more on meditation and other forms of mind-body healing so I want to make it a priority to go to yoga on a more regular basis. That's a really hard thing for my type-A personality to do though. If I am going to dedicate some of my precious time to exercise I always tend to favour spin classes, interval training or something more intense. It's something I'm working on. Baby steps my friends, baby steps.
The other day I heard a horrifying statistic. So horrifying I am not sure if I believe it but maybe it's true, who knows. Apparently here in Calgary where I live, approximately 800,000 disposable drinking cups are thrown in the trash each day. 800,000! Seriously? Calgary only has 1.2 million people in it, so that means almost every person in Calgary is using a disposable drinking cup each day and throwing it in the trash. I can only imagine what the numbers are like in larger cities. That is so much waste! Is it really that difficult to bring your own mug? Not only do you usually save money at coffee shops when you bring your own but you are helping keep those disposable cups out of the garbage. As a die hard recycler it actually disgusts me that so many people feel comfortable creating this much waste. Maybe that sounds harsh, but it's the truth. I hope after reading this you will consider brining your own mug the next time you go to buy your coffee or tea.
Okay rant over... Time to get to the good stuff - the food!
Do you have a sweet tooth? I mean really, who doesn't? Unfortunately we all know that eating desserts filled with sugar everyday is not a healthy long term strategy. And some of you may even be on a sugar restricted diet. Trust me I have been there too. Please stick with it! It will be worth it in the long-run. But just because you aren't eating sugar doesn't mean you have to go treat-free. There are some amazing desserts out there that are sweetened with natural ingredients like fruit, dried fruit and coconut. And it can be especially tricky to avoid those sugary filled treats during the holidays so it's always smart to have your own sugar free option on hand. So with that in mind I have put together a collection of 25 sugar free paleo treats. You can thank me later.
Happy eating everyone!
As always I would be thrilled if you visited my social media pages on PinterestInstagram and Facebook!

25 Sugar Free Paleo Treats 

Healthy Brownie Bites from Primally Inspired
Chocolate Fudge Haystacks from Pure and Simple Nourishment 
Fruit Sweetened Blueberry Lemon Fig Muffins from Merit and Fork
Frosted Carrot Cupcakes from Grazed and Enthused
Paleo Banana Bread from Jay's Baking Me Crazy
Recipe Wrap-up: Sugar Free Paleo TreatsAIP Rustic Apple Cinnamon Rolls from Grazed and Enthused
Spiced Carrot Cake Bites from Pure and Simple Nourishment
German Chocolate No-bakes from Plaid and Paleo
Spiced Chocolate Covered Pecans from Paleo Flourish Magazine
Chocolate Raspberry Macaroons from Pure and Simple Nourishment
Recipe Wrap-up: Sugar Free Paleo TreatsPaleo Mint Chocolate Fudge Pops from The Natural Nurturer
Chocolate Covered Date Cups from Everyday Maven
Double Berry Chocolate Ice Cream from Pure and Simple Nourishment
Skillet Apple Crumble from Grazed and Enthused
Mint Smoothie Bowls from Pure and Simple Nourishment
Two Minute Paleo Pudding from Raindrops Wellness
Recipe Wrap-up: Sugar Free Paleo TreatsChocolate Almond Date Balls from Anya's Eats
Coconut Butter Stuffed Dates from Paleo Flourish Magazine
Dairy Free Vanilla Milkshake from Pure and Simple Nourishment
Paleo Jello from Paleo Flourish Magazine
No-Bake Banana Cream Carob Pies (AIP) from Grazed and Enthused
Recipe Wrap-up: Sugar Free Paleo TreatsPaleo Blueberry Lemon Bars from Jay's Baking Me Crazy
Dark Chocolate Orange Ice Cream from Pure and Simple Nourishment
Almond Date Bites Rolled in Coconut from Everyday Maven
Vanilla Cinnamon Almond Butter from Living Healthy with Chocolate
Paleo Vanilla Ice Cream from Pure and Simple Nourishment
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Recipe Wrap-up: Sugar Free Paleo Treats

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