Hey there, first week in January and I feeling like I'm on a roll, already! I've been doing a out of contemplating over the past two weeks an have found that being in the place of "Receiving " has been very prosperous for me.
Let me be completely transparent about why this word is so meaningful.
Well first of all, I realize I've been believing and walking beneath my own standard. A standard is something we set for ourselves- or something that has a certain level of authority , in our lives - "a rule or principle established by ethics, morals customs as acceptable by an individual.
Anything that has authority in your life has rules and principles to follow. And yes .. these principles should establish me, fully. I haven't been receiving.
Theres been quite a bit of lack in my life, and a few things I had been to fearful to walk out ... so I didn't give it my all. Truth is, I didn't believe I could have it. Had pretty much convinced myself that I could "settle". Settle for what?
Yeah, and was comfortable with less, too. Or "just enough". You know, we get comfy where we are, and we stop reaching. We forget we have goals and the goals we beloved in, become clouded over because we either stop believing or we lose sight of inspirational folk who help guide us there.
As long as I was comfortable, I was good. Then the little "more" angel came and sat on my shouldering whispering things like: "You can do that!"; "What are you waiting on?" "What are you doing?" "Try this instead..." or "Believe God for this.."
And I listened. Started opening up my soul for MORE.
Praying for more, trying more, reaching out for more that helps me to be BETTER.
And something shifted. Just like that. A mentor of mine told me:"You have a different confidence than you had last year."
And I agreed. Then reflected. There are consistent tasks I was working out in my soul, and they are proving well for me. So this year, I'm all about Receiving. Take life one day at a time- with an expectation of "more"... on a consistent basis. Pushing myself past my limits, and smiling brightly at every turn.
I will tell you what they were next blog post. (Stay tuned.)