Politics Magazine

Reasons and Nonreasons for Right and Left Support for Mass Immigration

Posted on the 07 June 2013 by Calvinthedog

Marek writes:

For the record, I said, quote: “Strong enforcement of immigration laws are needed.” A ban for saying the word “Democrat party” as Republican propaganda? That not even propaganda strictly speaking. And note that I criticized the right as well. (“look in the mirror”)

So let’s see: The slumdogs and other leftist racists are rising up from useful welfare recipient bread-and-circus voters to now demanding that the leftist white males give up their jobs and now you don’t like it. I’m sure you needn’t ban Indian race entitlement seekers. They’re more than happy to vote Democratic (note non-propaganda term) and as traditionally oppressed by people like you, they need only preferential treatment for themselves and 600 million others like them for the next 1000 years or so.

Josef Stalin had a nice building in Moskva where he had a back door for each apartment unit so that GRU could come in the middle of night to take out-of-favor people away. Your turn has come. Welcome to paradise, Tovarisch! But at least in Soviet czasu, they knew how to use toilets.

The Right is just as horrific on this question as the Left is, and the capitalists are behind it 100%, so it makes no sense to single out the Left. Most of the impetus for the Hindu 1-B’s is coming from the corporate sector which owns both parties.

Also, I really doubt if “Leftist anti-White racists” are waging race war on White workers in order to replace them with foreign workers.

First of all, “Leftist anti-White racists” are really not that common. Leftists in the first place are as rare as hen’s teeth, and I live in California. The Leftist White anti-White racist is a rare bird; if you ever meet one, consider yourself lucky. There are anti-White racists among the Blacks and Browns, but they are not common. Most Blacks and Browns, even the White-haters, would not be in favor of wiping out White workers with imported foreign invaders. These folks simply want a piece of the pie themselves.

There does seem to be a project on the part of the elite, the 1%, and the corporations, to genocide American workers, White or otherwise (they don’t care what color workers are) and replace them with immigrant workers, mostly Hindu-1B’s and similar guest workers but also illegal immigrants. The purpose of this is simply class war and an effort to drive down wages. The author of this comment is requested to read Karl Marx to understand why the 1%/corporations act this way.

It’s all part of an effort to drive down labor costs – there is no other way to put it. Under neoliberalism, labor is an “externality,” and any way you can reduce externalities is a great idea. If you can reduce your labor costs, you are mandated to do so, and if your corporation is publicly owned, you can actually be sued or fired by your stockholders for your failure to maximize profits as this is your fiduciary duty to them.

To some extent, the 1%/corporations are pushing a lie that US workers are lazy, incompetent, etc. The purpose of this lie is to denigrate them so that they can be replaced by foreign coolies of various types. There are a few Leftist types who denigrate US workers in a similar way, but those folks are quite rare.

This is all part of an unholy alliance between the corporate/capitalist Right and the pro-diversity Left. They are pushing this project for different reasons.

The Diversitists mostly don’t care about US workers, and they believe all the lies that the invaders do not steal US jobs or drive down wages. Support for unlimited immigration is mandatory on the Left and in liberal circles, and if you object, your fellow Leftists and liberals will blast the Hell out of you in a frightening way. If you don’t back down, they call you terrible names and then end the friendship in a belligerent way. The whole thing is a great big ugly fight. Most people are wimpy and don’t like to get screamed at or lose their friends.

Those of us on the Left and liberals like our fellow travelers despite their racial and immigration nuttiness, and it’s really painful to get ousted and blasted like this. The Diversitists also use shaming tactics on us by calling us Nazis, racists, Klansmen, etc.

In my town, if you go against the illegals, people will tell you to shut up and act like they are going to hit you if you don’t. The Hispanics are really crazy on this question, and they hear you blasting illegals, they act menacing you start to worry if you’re going to get hurt.

So many to most on the Left and liberals don’t so much believe in all this pro-immigrant junk as they are just bullied, harangued, coerced or menaced into going along. If you’re on the Left or liberal, you need to check the “I love immigrants” check-box. If you don’t, your good friends throw you out of your friendship circle, and now you are all alone. You can go make friends with some conservatives who share your views on immigration, but you need a barf bag most of the time you are around them, and every now then, they blow up at you and starting ranting at you for being a “Commie.”

So if you take a line like I do, the world becomes a lonely place pretty fast. People are social creatures and don’t like rejection or solitude as it is painful.

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