Politics Magazine

“Rape is the Answer to Every Indian Man’s Problem,” by Magneto

Posted on the 03 May 2017 by Calvinthedog

Rape is the Answer to Every Indian Man’s Problem

by Magneto

Recently a disgruntled ex-employee of Snapchat went to the media and made up a story where he claimed the CEO of Snapchat had no interest in expanding the Indian market and called India a poor country. There are no actual records of him saying this. All we have to base it on is the verbal account of the disgruntled ex-employee.

Well, this didn’t stop Indians from losing their shit and going nuts. The next day hundreds of thousands of Indians were writing online messages protesting against Snapchat and leaving 1 star ratings on the Snapchat app in the App Store. I went to a couple of places where Indians were writing their typical rude illiterate comments about Snapchat, and I mentioned to them: “What is wrong with you people? There is no proof the CEO even made that statement. Why are you Indians such easily-offended people? You Indians need to grow up!”

This caused me to receive the same typical idiotic and illiterate rude comments from Indians. I laughed at most of them, but one comment really stuck out to me.

An Indian guy had written “You are an asshole. I fuck your mother, sister, etc”.

I replied “Well at least you are admitting you are a rapist”. But then I started to think. Is rape literally the only answer, the only response, that an Indian male can give to a problem?

Woman cuts you off in traffic? Rape her. Woman making burgers at McDonald’s accidentally put the wrong toppings on your burger? Rape her. Walking down the street and a woman gave you a nasty stare? Rape her. Your sister stole your lunch money, so you didn’t eat lunch that day? Rape her. Your mom disciplined you because you stayed up all night playing computer games? Rape her. Rape, rape, rape, rape, rape.

Rape seems to be the only thing on most Indian men’s minds. It’s like a constant fixation for them. What the Buddhists would call one-mindedness, samadhi, the attainment of nirvana? For Indian men, it is rape. Rape is all they can think about, and rape is the answer to any problem they may have. And Indian men have always been like this.

Back in the British time, around 200 years ago, Western liberals tried to condemn the British for warning their White wives to avoid contact with Indian men for fear of being raped. Indian men were not allowed to mix with White women, and the reason was that if Indian men socialized with White women, the Indian men would be overcome with lust and rape her. The very fact that such a stereotype about Indian men existed 200 years ago is proof that this is how Indian men have always been and how Indian men always will be. Rape is simply flowing through their blood. They do not know anything other than rape. Calling an Indian man a rapist is not racist or factually incorrect. It is 100% true in 95% of cases.

To the 5% good Indian men, I apologize. But then again you guys are responsible for keeping the other 95% in line, you clearly have failed to do so, and therefore you are also guilty to some extent for the rape crisis.

I must give a very clear warning to all Western White women. Do not visit India under any circumstances. Boycott that disgusting country. If you go to India looking for “spirituality”, you will not find it and will only find yourself being repeatedly violated over and over again by lusty Indian rapist men. If you want spirituality, then learn about it in the safety of your own country.

There are plenty of Hindu or Buddhist temples in the West now, so there’s no need to travel to India to find such wisdom. Any male reading this article? It is your duty to warn every woman you know to avoid India and to be very careful and cautious around Indian men. I would kindly suggest that you send your female friends and female family members a copy of this article’s URL so they can read it for themselves. Indian men will never change and will never stop raping women. Therefore all we can do is act to protect our own women against such horrible rapists.

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