Fashion Magazine

RANT ALERT - Is Blogging Turning into a Numbers Game ?

By Lolarose @LolaRoseBlogger
 Hi girlies, Ok usually I'm not one to rant.. well online that is! But recently all I have been getting is comments like "follow me and I'll follow back", "would you like to follow each other?". These comments are REALLY annoying!!! Sure, it's lovely to log onto your blog and realize you've got 10 or even one new follower, I get excited as the next person! But for someone to show interest in your blog but to refuse to follow it unless you "follow back" is really aggravating!  Blogging for me, gives me confidence, allows me to gain advice and most of all friends. So I honestly feel if blogging is simply down to getting thousands of followers and recieving freebies you are in the wrong frame of mind!I am all for finding new blogs and by all means leave your blog address below a comment but please don't refuse to follow me unless I follow you.RANT ALERT - Is blogging turning into a numbers game ?*sourced from Google. Basically the main purpose of this post is to see if other bloggers have been recieving these comments like I have lately and to let other bloggers know that these sort of comments are NOT welcome on my blog! (in the nicest possible way!haha)  Ok rant over!!!Stay tuned for a little OOTD and yet another haul.  Does this annoy you as much as it annoys me?Do you allow such comments on your blog? Until next time girlies.. LolaRose xx

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