1. You can cough so much that it feels like the hardest ab workout you’ve ever experienced. This is a re-enactment of the past 7 days. Has anyone else had this freaking cough?
2. There are actually vending machines geared towards us runners/cyclists. Brilliant. This machine outside of a bike store in Boulder has gels, Clif bars, Nuun, etc. (it looks like a prison for running fuel).
3. Taking a trail run in shorts and short sleeves after being sick all week was semi-orgasmic.
4. Chocolate can be incredibly beautiful and can be beer-flavored (see Avery and Lefthand chocolates to the left). I think those are chocolate turds on the right.
5. One photo from a friend can make your day (running Jerusalem marathon though the Old City with Teresa).
6. I can be the dog whisperer in my pajamas when I want to be.
7. Newton shoes have been somewhat redesigned. They are incredibly lightweight and comfortable (these are the Kismet model). More info on the technology of the shoe HERE.
8. It is very easy to break a tooth while eating popcorn. Note to self: do not go to dentist again when you are having coughing fits. It is awkward (but at least I didn’t cough then fart in community acupuncture like my friend Clair).
Tell me one random thing about your week.
Ever tried Newtons? What shoe are you running in now? Brooks Pure Cadence are my favorite, but I am liking the Newtons. They take a bit of getting used to because of the platform/ledge.