More than half of my last 14 runs have been in the rain and I couldn't be happier! Running in the rain reminds me of being a kid and jumping in puddles -- not caring how soaked my clothes or shoes got. I've done 16 and 20 milers in torrential downpours -- literally buckets of water -- and I remember laughing in the middle of both and just having the greatest time. (Though, in fairness, it doesn't take much to excite me mid-16 or 20 miler.)I don't have any fancy-schmancy rain gear -- and personally I don't think it's necessary-- however, there are a few things I do to make rainy runs more pleasant.
- Wear a water-resistant (ish) jacket with a hood. The chances of you finding a jacket that keeps you from getting soaked in downpours are slim to none, but a basic windbreaker with a hood will (usually) keep you relatively dry long enough for you to warm up and get over the rain. I recommend this one from Nike.
- Wear a hat. It won't keep your head dry but it does keep the water out of your eyes so at least you can see. Which is always important.
- Don't wear cotton. I don't think you should wear cotton ever on runs but I think this especially true in rain. Cotton holds in the water so you'll be chilly -- and you'll get some pretty nasty blisters if you wear cotton socks.
- Wrap any electronics in plastic. If I'm doing a long run in the rain, chances are good I have my phone on me (safety first) and while it's tucked away in my Camelbak, those things aren't meant to be submerged in water. To prevent damage, I always toss mine into a little plastic baggie.
- Smile and wave to other runners. You already feel like a crazy badass -- and they probably do too. So why not acknowledge your insane-runner selves and say hello? Sometimes I even go as far as making a joke. "Great day for a run, aye?" Sounds corny now but trust me -- it always gets both of us to giggle.
- If there's lightning, abort. Water is one thing but if you see flashes of light, find shelter and wait it out. Even if that means hiding in a super-classy administrative building at Harvard. It's fine. No ones judging you.
- Just deal with it. Look, I get that the idea of running in the rain -- especially when it's windy and chilly -- sounds horrible. And while non-runners may think it's a good excuse to stay in, you know better. And you also know that the first step is the hardest. So stop complaining -- it's not going to help the situation. Just suck it up and go! You won't regret it.

posted on 16 June at 09:23
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