Love and rain don't really go together...
All that rain brings out,is memories which are better left untouched...
A Pandora's box,not quiet ready to be teased...
And if love is not your cup of tea,sit by the window with a book and a cup of coffee...
And watch the stragglers,well,straggle.
In this case -struggle.
-Shalini Digvijay
Poor Cockroaches.
The deluge must have seemed like the TITANIC in technicolour.
On a Rainy day…! Write a post starting with this line
On a rainy day,well,it rains.
Sunshine,more Sunshine and there is no end to the blistering summers in north India.Not for us, simple balmy,warm, breezy summer days. No,God decreed that the Indians are special.The result of too much melanin in our skins.We are special and chosen to strengthen our characters. And that will come only when we are exposed to the strongest of sunlight.
And suddenly the day grows darker as menacingly dark clouds threaten to take over the bright blue skies. We moved into this house of ours in January,when the weather in Jalandhar,Punjab ,was dismal and cold. The walls were cold and uninviting and the lawns overgrown with wild weeds and neglect.
We've tended lovingly to the lawns and the flower beds and the veggie patches.Overflowing with love and fresh organic vegetables,we are finally able to sit and have a cuppa in the mornings ,thanks to the well endowed trees that surround us.
Picture this .Hubby dear,yours truly and sweet dog Romeo, at 9:30 on an incredibly sunny,lazy weekday,chatting and drinking our cold coffees,discussing the deluge and devastation in Uttarakhand.When suddenly,sweet dog Romeo jumps off his chair(whenever the first chair is pulled out to sit in the lawn,he claims it for his own and parks his sweet unassuming behind and bushy tail on it- and us-us lesser mortals need to drag out more chairs) and runs to the shelter of the veranda.
Sudden darkness on the horizon. And even sudden-er are the huge bombs of rain that fall,inundating our cold coffees.
We run after the wise old dog and seek the shelter of the house.And it begins to pour.And how?
All within 10 minutes.The watery place was where our chairs were...
What Intrigued and bugged(pun intended) me more was this sinful love story.
Just for the record,my house is fastidiously clean and my camera and lens are extremely,extremely great at focusing on things some distance away.
The rains have washed away their houses and the drains are overflowing,young lovers,trying to save them selves and their beloved 6 (or is it 8 legged creatures) are hanging on for their dear lives.
Trying to swim to the shore,trying to bring their dearly adored soul mates to firmer grounds...
Some dying of hypothermia, some being washed away by the flow of the water,and some finally reaching where their lives may be saved...
Anticlimax here !
This Giantess,wielding a large broom is standing guard over her territory.
Some martial art maneuvers.
EYeah! Ha!Slash! Stomp!Squish!
There ended the love story,there sank their Titanic.
All hail the Roach Slayer!
And peacefully does the water rise.
And fortunately flow away,taking the slain roaches to their watery grave.
So much excitement on a rainy day.
And afterwards-warm toasty whole meal bread with melting butter and marmalade. A reward after the stress. Somehow,I did not really want to put up any pictures of food on this page.I may be a roach slayer, but I am a woman after all.I get all squeamish and puke"y" and need to wash my hands a dozen times after.
Much better than singing love songs and letting your tears mingle with the rain drops.
Hey,I love the rhythm of the falling rain too, but I need to protect my fortress from the cockroaches.
More Important that!
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda