Environment Magazine

Rail Lines in Central Oregon Sabotaged in Solidarity with PNW Anarchists

Posted on the 03 May 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

Rail Lines in Central Oregon Sabotaged in Solidarity with PNW Anarchists

What sets Earth First! apart from others in the North American environmental/ecology/anti-extraction movement?  Arguable it is EF!’s public presence and simultaneous idealogical support for clandestine actions.  For more read this article from the 2011 Beltane issue of the Earth First! Jounal.

Cross Posted from anarchistnews.org

Thu, 05/02/2013 – 21:04 — Anonymous (not verified)

Late at night on May Day we sabotaged a rail line in Central Oregon to interrupt the flow of commodities. Capital depends more than ever on the metropolis, the constant flow of commodities, services, capital, information, and any interruption of that flow is a small victory. We took this action in solidarity with all those facing investigation, imprisonment, and repression in the Northwest. As we become more dangerous, the danger to us grows as well, but we will not cower in the face of the face of those who would control us. We took this action knowing full well the extent of political repression in the Pacific Northwest in the present. Not because we want to show our defiance or rage to the state; to them we have nothing to say. We acted because our love for our comrades far outweighs our fear of repression, and because love is an action, not a feeling.

This action was quick and easy. Using copper wire with the ends stripped, we wrapped both ends of wire around the rail and buried the middle section. This sends a false signal that there is a train on the tracks, delaying any other movement until the blockage is cleared.

In solidarity with those resisting the grand jury, those facing investigation, and those who, in the face of the media and massive police preparations, still managed to bring some destruction to the streets of Seattle.

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