Hey all, the Earth First! Journal and Newswire have been pumping out that fresh front-lines news you won’t find together anywhere else. We are also, perhaps, the only collective of editors and journalists that meet their copy deadlines while also engaging in blockades, tree-sits and other forms of industrial sabotage. We dig up the dirt on unreported oil spills, spread the news about grassroots campaigns and dabble in all sorts of raucous trouble makin’.
But the time and materials spent on this kind of eco-ninja journalism is, sadly, quite costly, and without your support we can’t keep it up. So what do you say?
Click the donate button on the right to give a few bucks… or a thousand. You can also snail mail it to us at P.O. Box 964 / Lake Worth, FL / 33460
We thank you a million times over and will put that money to damned good use!