from EF! Newswire
Several great things are coming around the bend for folks looking to support Earth First! Media and the general EF! movement in the southeastern US.
This weekend in North Carolina is jam packed with events organized by Croatan EF!, Katuah EF! and the EF! Journal Collective. It Looks something like this:
-Friday Aug 16: At 6pm there’s a debate/discussion in Chapel Hill between the insurrectionist author of “The Issues are not the Issue” and an editor of the EF! Journal.
-Saturday Aug 17: from 2-5pm, a workshop on EF! Media, and live “Earth Nightly News” broadcast; 8pm A benefit punk/hardcore show in Greensboro.
-Sunday Aug 18: 6:30pm EF! Benefit Contra Dance at Warren Wilson College, outside Asheville.
The following week in Florida, August 24, folks from Gainesville are throwing a big ol’ benefit concert, with free locally brewed beer and all! [see poster]
All these events will be opportunities to get copies of the newest EF! Journal, music compilation CD and other assorted trinkets and snake oil.
We hope you can get out there and join us… Or plan an event in your local bioregion!