Today’s snack was simple, delicious, and super healthy
I always use plain whole fat yogurt, and just add honey and natural vanilla extract for extra flavor if we want it. The kind that is already flavored is usually very high in added sugars.
I love cherries, but right now they aren’t in season. So, I bought this nice big bag at costco, which will last us quite a while
I also came upon some organic kiwi on sale at the store the other day so I added those in there as well.
Cherries are a great source of vitamins C, K, A, E, and some B. They are also a good source of potassium.
Also, I’ve heard rumors that cherries help with jet-lag. This isn’t something I’ve had the chance to try out yet but I would love to know if it works!
Kiwi are very high in vitamins C and E, as well as potassium and folate. It also contains one of the highest concentrations of lutein of any fruit, and is a fantastic antioxidant.
This would be a great snack to pack up in a 4oz glass jar to take to work or school! The frozen berries will keep everything cold in there which is a bonus!
live well. be well.