Politics Magazine

PUA/Game: The Ethical Pimp

Posted on the 28 October 2017 by Calvinthedog


The Ethical Pimp: How to Get Ass without Being an Ass, by Tim Mojo Moore.

Nice little ebook. It’s only 63 pages. Since I am such a tight bastard, I read it in part for free instead of forking over the money. Also the author is a little bit of a dick, so I almost did not want to pay him. But mostly I am just cheap and more than that broke as Hell.

I read 13 pages of this book. That’s 20% of it. Based on what I have read, this is actually a good book. I am not sure if it is redpilled. Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. But it’s not bluepilled at all.

Let’s face it, the PUA/Game Sphere is horrific.

Main problem with the Gamesphere? The truth they dish out so brutally is pretty awful, especially from the point of view of a Leftist, liberal, progressive, feminist or woman-loving man. Turns out you were taught a bunch of crap and lies about women. Turns out that most of the advice that women have been giving you all through the years is crap and lies. Turns out that most of what women have been telling you that they want all this time is mostly crap and lies. Turns out even your beloved Mom was wrong. That goes without saying, and men should not listen to their mothers when it comes to women anyway, but it’s still a bit painful if you love your mother like all good men do. And in my case, even my father was wrong.

And the lessons of the Gamesphere plays into a lot of what we were always told was old fashioned sexist lies about women.

The sad truth for all men, and especially for us men who love women, is that the truth about women, what they want, what they do and say, their worldview, and what works and doesn’t work with them is just awful. It’s enough to break your heart.

Red Pill and the Gamesphere is utterly horrific, but the tragic and cruel truth is that a lot of the things these awful men are saying are simply true. And if you reject their diabolical advice and try to be the nice leftwing feminist guy, you might just end up with a lot of problems with women. Now all men have women problems with women. The only men who don’t are gay men and dead men. If you have a woman, you have woman problems by definition. You can avoid these problems by being volcel or incel, but that’s no fun.

But there are degrees of this pain. And the idea as a man is to have as much success, fun and happiness with women as possible and as little failure, pain and misery as possible. And if the nice leftwing feminist stuff just leads to a lot of pain and failure with women, maybe you need to check your pointless values at the door and try something that works. If what works in enabling you to have happier, more fun and successful relationships with women is a little bit evil, well so be it. I don’t know about the rest of  you, but I am into success. If I have to be a bit evil to be successful, well I will blame God for that and go right ahead. If being a good guy and doing the right thing leads to failure, what’s the point? You hoping to get an A on your Life Report Card from Jesus? Screw it.

Look, if there is one truism in life, it is this:

  1. Do what works.
  2. Don’t do what doesn’t work.

The world is not a very moral place. Humans are really just mammals, and we are a result of tens of thousands of years of typically vicious Darwinian evolution. You play the game of life with the cards handed out to you by the world. I suppose the key is being as good as you can possibly be and still be successful. If you have to be a bit bad to make it in life, well, fine, but evil is usually best when kept to a minimum.

It is in this vein that this rather vulgar book is written. Tim is trying to show you how to get women without being a what women call a creep. He also doesn’t want you to be a douchebag or an ass. In the lawless Mad Max World of Third Wave Feminism, you are going to get called sexual harasser, sexual assaulter and maybe even rapist if you even try to have sex with women at all, but if  you follow this guy’s advice, you will get called that less and the charges will lose a lot of their bite.

Tim says you can be successful while avoiding all of these rather evil shortcuts men use to get what they want. He calls his formula being a “nice bad boy.”

I like it.

Heterosexual sex, like geopolitics, is a dirty game. Martyrs and choirboys need not apply. You’ve got to do what works. But you can always minimize your assholery along the way.

Carpe diem!


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