Psychology Magazine

How Will Optimism and Meditation Change Your Life?
What is the first thing that clicks your head when you hear the word optimism? Positivity? Looking at the good in every situation or something on these lines? Well, optimism... Read more
Building Renovations Complete
-contributed by Emily Gainer Jodi Kearns.In 2010, the CCHP moved into the former Roadway building. Over the past 9 years, renovations have been made to... Read more
The 04 June 2019 by Chp
Teaching Responsibility to Kids with Autism
When you have kids at school, it's fairly common for them to go on overnight excursions and come home with many of the wrong items in their luggage or without... Read more
The 10 June 2019 by Gbollard
How Will Optimism and Meditation Change Your Life?
What is the first thing that clicks your head when you hear the word optimism? Positivity? Looking at the good in every situation or something on these lines?... Read more
The 15 June 2019 by Amit Kumar