First of all, no matter what these liars tell you, gun culture is White culture. It’s rightwing White culture. It used to be mostly older rightwing Whites, but a number of younger Whites may be into it now too.
Gun nut culture is based in the South, Texas, the rural Midwest, West and East.
Blacks are not into gun nut culture, although I have heard that rural Southern Blacks love their guns. Urban Blacks are not part of gun nut culture other than the criminal class. I have some Blacks who live around me here, and none of them have guns.
Hispanics are not into gun nut culture. Yes, gangs and the criminal class have guns, but most others do not. I live in an Hispanic city right now. Almost all of my neighbors are Hispanic. I’ve never met one of them who had a gun. The only gun I ever saw was under the shirt of a 19 year old gangbanger.
Asian culture is not gun nut culture. They’re just not into guns.
American Indian culture is not gun nut culture. I worked for Indians for years in the mountains, and I got to know many of them. Never met an Indian who owned a gun.
South Indians are not a part of gun nut culture. This town is swarming with South Indians, and I’ve never met one who had a gun.
In general, urban Whites are not part of gun nut culture. Whites who live in big cities where crime is much higher than in rural areas usually do not have guns, although logically, they would have much greater reason for one. It’s not common to meet an urban White person who has guns in this state. Here in California, urban Whites in places like the Bay Area and LA generally do not have guns. In all the time I spent in LA and the Bay Area, I never met one urban White person who kept a gun.
A few White women have guns for personal protection. I doubt if it does much for the crime rate. I had a girlfriend who lived alone, and one night at 2 AM, she pulled a .38 out of a drawer and showed it to me.
“It’s loaded,” she told me.
There we were, standing there at 2 AM in this chick’s house, passing a loaded gun back and forth like it was nothing. She’s the only woman I ever met who had a person gun for protection.
That stupid gun you keep in your house is 30X more likely to be used to you or someone in your house in a homicide or suicide than it is to defend you from a potentially lethal attack. It’s not worth it to keep a gun in your house. There’s no benefit, and there are huge risks of death associated with doing that.
There is basically zero significant and potentially lethal violent crime in White rural America. It’s as safe as you can get.
I lived in a White town in the Sierra Nevada of rural California for 18 years. I got some news for you. There was zero crime there. None. No significant crime, certainly nothing you would need a gun to defend yourself against. And when I left there in 2005, I was still often not locking my door when I left. Why should I? Why lock the door?
What is most bizarre is that in this White rural town in lived in with no crime, guns were everywhere, and most everyone you met was a gun nut or gun kook. And they had no reason to have their guns.
The dirty little secret in California about the White mountains is that this is where Whites moved to get away from the “niggers and the Mexicans.” It was pretty common for them to come right out and admit that that was why they moved up there. It was also fairly common for them to say that the reason they were armed to the teeth was because Blacks and Mexicans were going to come up to the mountains in small armies and prey on moneyed Whites.
A fair number of them were White Supremacists who ranted and raved about rightwing conspiracy theories all the time. Most of these people were armed to the teeth, and many had stocked up years of food. They insisted that society was about to collapse any time now, and with the collapse, whole armies of “niggers and beaners” would drift up out of the crime-ridden cities into the White mountains to prey on the Whites.
One of their notions was that after the collapse, society would run out of food, and the White psychos who had been stockpiling food for years would be the only people in society with any food left, so starving hoards of armed “niggers and beaners” would drift up from the ruin and emaciated cities to steal the food of the Whites in order to survive.
I heard a number of these psychos outline for me how this was going to happen and how they were going to make a last stand for it in their barricaded mountain retreat piled with guns. They would hole up in the mountain base with a living room full of guns as the starving “niggers and beaners” flooded into the mountains to kill the Whites and steal their food. In their mountain abode, they would hole up with sniper rifles as the living dead Black and Brown zombies teemed below, hungry for White bodies and food. They would be up on the hill, firing down at the Orcs below. Most of them expected to die defending their mountain home from darkies.
Millions of White people actually believe this crap. Isn’t that incredible?
So there you have it. America’s gun culture is senseless, based on paranoia, racism and wild cataclysmic conspiracy theory. It doesn’t even have a rational basis.