Food & Drink Magazine

Product Review | Zespri Kiwifruit

By Maneesh Srivastva @urbanescapades

Product Review | Zespri KiwifruitIt is a versatile fruit which is a powerhouse of nutrients. It also comes in two flavours- sweet and tangy. With its oval shape, brown skin and fuzzy hair, its juicy flesh can easily be scooped out and relished. We are talking about kiwifruit and when it comes to good quality kiwifruit the world over then the forerunner is Zespri.
They say that the eye eats first and the vibrant Green variety of Zespri Kiwifruit with its green flesh sure lives up to this. It is tangy in taste. The SunGold version has yellowish golden flesh and is comparatively sweeter so those with a sweet tooth can savour it guilt free. It took 10 years to develop the SunGold variety.
Zespri Kiwifruit scores over other fruit when it comes to its nutritional value. Be it vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and required elements, this fruit has it all. Did you know that it has more vitamin C than an orange? The fruit has the enzyme Actinidin which helps to digest food proteins that are present in meat, milk, legumes and cereal. Since it is has dietary fibre, it aids digestion and is also a mood enhancer. If you are low on energy, simply eat a Zespri Kiwifruit for vitality. Containing potassium and folate, kiwifruit is a low glycaemic index (GI) food. It is also the ideal fruit for weight watchers and is good for both skin and hair. Many fruits tend to lose their vitamins when they are stored. That is why health experts recommend eating fruits while they are fresh. Thankfully, the vitamins of Zespri Kiwifruit don’t diminish during storage as the fruit has a low pH value.Other than eating Zespri Kiwifruit as it is, one can make smoothies and salads or use it as a topping for various dishes and courses. If you like to get creative then you can appetizingly make rasam, gulab jamun, pina colada and crepes with it.  Apart from all leading retailers across India, Zespri Kiwifruit is also available on Big Basket, Foodhall, Godrej Nature’s Basket, Hypercity and Walmart.
Khursheed Dinshaw

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