Politics Magazine

Problems of the Arab Mind, with a Nod to Raphael Patai

Posted on the 09 February 2018 by Calvinthedog

Interesting comment on the site from this old post, which I really ought to run again. It sure would be nice to talk to this woman some more. I would like her to elaborate on her comments here. From the way she describes it, it is almost like Arab culture is an actual Culture of Narcissists, with most of the men being narcissistic mostly due to how they are raised. And yes the women are raised to feel inferior from the very start. This is the case in family life even from the early years. It is clear to the Arab girl growing up that the boys and men in the family are superior to the girls and women.

I totally agree with Robert. Being cunning while having no resources is natural to them. They also involuntary gaslight everyone around them 24/7, from business tactics to the closest people in their life (Yes, even family).

I am Latina and after being married to one and traveling to North Africa several times, I can assure you it takes their holidays of Ramadan to get them to actually help other people. They can walk right past a child dying of starvation and not offer and feel no remorse. They are unbelievably selfish to a point an American could never grasp. This is what allows them to get into relationships with other narcissistic Arabs. It’s sickening really because all women want is love, and a woman will never be happy married to an Arab for long.

They have an uncanny ability to manipulate and gaslight/brainwash people. It’s really fucking scary. All that charm with their good looks fucks your head up. They will break your spirit, disconnect your soul from your body, and hold it in a suspense state. I finally broke away after 13 years of loving and hoping he would change. I had to literally start recording our conversations because he would have me questioning my own sanity. When I was alone I would play those conversations back to myself because I honestly couldn’t remember at the time what was going on around me.

It’s all just so sad. I lost all those years living in CPTSD, and now I’m in total isolation. So what I’m saying is stay away from them as much as possible or you will be sucked in. Keep in mind I am a professional. I am a current member of SHRM and also a Human Resource Director.

The sad part is their women stand up for them because they were born and breed to be slaves via humiliation from the beginning. This is the way cults, the military, and other organizations manipulate their members to mind control them. These women don’t even know that they were born to gaslight themselves. Sad but true.

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