So… I am still in 2014, and because I am, I have to give you are report on how I am faring with Priority, my word for the year. I started out 2014 with this word,because I admittedly started out feeling as if I was behind with my personal and professional progress; and s if things had momentum in my life. I was in a place of feeling as if I wasn’t as productive with my writing, my career had not taken off, and a few other things mentally and emotionally I needed to prioritize in terms of my mental health.
So as far as how I am doing….I am doing exceptionally well…(Thank you)! I had a major rough spot, a month or two ago, but I am coming round that corner quite well.
I have learned several things about priority since January 2014:
1. It requires GREAT diligence to prioritize things that matter. You must learn how to FOCUS.
2. Diligence becomes a great habit once practiced regularly.
I bet you didn’t know you could create laws in your life via self-discipline to help guide your paths succinctly! Well, you can.
Diligence means: Law. the degree of care and caution required by the circumstances of a person. it also means to be constant and place earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken; persistent exertion of body or mind.
3. I used to be very fearful of success, before this summer, and it prevented me from prioritizing. fear of success is a common fear for many.
4. I am so freaken BRAVE! ~ ( I am learning that the risks i take every day of my life, and HUGE ones – one more importantly, is willing to take a look inside of myself and self-evaluate on a regular way, in order that I might evolve into the woman I desire to be…)
5. Life is GOOD and has a certain flow when you triumph by getting your life in order and prioritize the things most important to you and your spouse /and or family! Tim and I have been reading a book called: His Needs, Her Needs, by Will Harley, Jr. ( only$ 1.99 right now on B&N!~ click the link!) * about meeting each other’s emotional needs and it’s been awesome to help us bond on another level.
6. Life before getting things in order can be hell… it’s so hard to stay motivated! So please keep your motivation HIGH, by choosing to prioritize something every day and reflect upon what you can do to meet daily goals!
7. I found my productivity and my responsibility to what I do– increased once I GOT IT! ” “To whom much is given, much is required!” ( Scripture: Luke 12:48) another version says: “Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities!”
8. You are much happier when you take the TIME to obtain, OWN and gain more order in your life. happiness s relative, but once you can manage your time, and not allow anything unproductive or time-consuming get in the way, you are one of a kind. You have determined priority, and it feels good to the soul.
9. Saying NO, can save your life! Literally. Don’t ever stop saying no to someone especially those who tend to be demanding in your life and go overboard with requests. *( Family tends to do this the most!)
10. People wont always like you when you say no, but it’s not about them, it’s about your life balance and staying on purpose with where you are going…. Get over it!!
And lastly, I am ALSO learning that my priority, is NOT God’s priority… as I stop and listen he shows me where I am moving too fast, and although it may “seem” important, he doesn’t always “deem ” it to be as important as I think it is!
I have many more, but maybe I will continue this post next week!
More on Celebrate Recovery:
For those of you who don’t know, I am an active leader with Celebrate Recovery, and I absolutely love it, because it’s a safe place to dump emotions and gain insight about where we get stuck spiritually and emotionally, in our lives. I use it weekly to help me challenge perspective and I also help other become leaders through this process of self-evaluation. I love the ministry, and what it does for me, and i recommend it to anyone! Celebrate is a ministry run by the author of Purpose Drive Life – ( the next best seller next to the Bible) , by Rick Warren – and there are 12 step spiritual meetings all over the country to help people with hurts, habits and hangups! You don’t have to be an alcoholic or drug addict to resolve these things in the program, either… but if you are working on these things, it will be a welcome change.