Hair & Beauty Magazine

Premier Dead Sea Neck Cream Review #premierdeadsea

By Get Set Blush @GetSet_Blush
Premier Dead Sea Neck Cream #premierdeadsea Have you ever heard of a "Neck Cream" I mean, I never heard about something like this one but when I got it, I was totally bowled over on knowing why you should incorporate a separate regimen for your Neck too. Most of us neglect neck area and do not pay much attention to it which results in sagging or fine lines to appear. Blame my genes but I have a little weird Neck Region. Read on to know more..

Premier Dead Sea Neck Cream Review

Premier Dead Sea Neck Cream Review

Price & Quantity:
For 2.04 Oz. $249.99 You can buy it here

Premier Dead Sea Neck Cream Review

Premier Dead Sea Neck Cream Review

What does the website say about this:
A few words about Premeir Dead Sea...
Dead Sea Premier’s philosophy binds together two elements: the glorious wisdom of nature and advanced scientific technology. Combined together, these awesome theaters of wonder deliver harmonious, synergetic benefits to your skin and life. Premier takes natural plant extracts and minerals from the Dead Sea and by utilizing patented and cutting-edge technology, makes luxurious, effective skin-care that far exceeds your best imagination about beautiful skin.
Combined with Jojoba, named "the desert's Jewel" this new luxurious intensive cream treatment is ideal for the delicate areas of the neck. It effectively reduces the appearance of wrinkles and helps restore the skin's appearance of firmness and beauty.
A single routine with a dual function enables the skin to be revived and balanced from within while beautifying even damaged skin. Your complexion will look smoother, glowing and more beautiful.
Apply daily, morning and during the night time after thorough cleansing of your face and neck. Massage the cream in circular soft movements onto your skin. You may apply make-up if desired.
Please do check the image below.

Premier Dead Sea Neck Cream Review

Premier Dead Sea Neck Cream Review

Product Description: The Neck Cream comes in a super luxury looking tub. It is a dark navy blue tub with a silver screw dome shaped cap. It is more like a mirror and it kept on reflecting things and I really had hard time clicking the pics of the tub. It is made of glass and highly recommended to carry it around safely.

Premier Dead Sea Neck Cream Review

Premier Dead Sea Neck Cream Review

My Take: When I opened this tub, I could smell something really strong. I do not say it is natural yet it is not artificial too. It was really nice. The product comes in with a tiny spatula and it is good enough to dig out the required product as per need. It is written a neck cream however I feel it is totally hydrating and I used it on my dry cheek area too. It instantly soothes the skin giving it a hydrated look. The finish is slightly glossy not matte.The cream is a bit runny and that's one reason why you need a very tiny amount per use.It gets absorbed into the skin very quickly. It does act like a good moisturizer for the neck region.It makes my otherwise dry neck a good hydrated look.

Premier Dead Sea Neck Cream Review

Premier Dead Sea Neck Cream Review

It is said to reduce the fine lines and wrinkles. However, I am 20+ and yet to experience any aging signs.So, I can't really comment on this factor. But as of my requirement, it did make my skin around the neck region look with full of life. I have added this one to my daily skincare regimen and I did feel that it is a good decision. I think I will stop using this one as of now but I will surely continue using this once there is spring/summer.

Premier Dead Sea Neck Cream Review

Premier Dead Sea Neck Cream Swatches

1. Good moisturizing effect.
2. We can wear makeup once it gets absorbed.
3. It makes skin super soft and supple.
4. Makes the skin tone even.
5. Lasts really long.
6. Ingredients make it a must have.
1. Very Pricey.
Final Words & Recommendations:
This is a very luxurious product and is known to bring out real  results.I do not recommend this one for girls under 28yrs but girls who are experiencing early aging signs or women who just crossed 30 can gladly use this one. I am sure you would love your skin.It is worth the price at least when you see good results.Dead Sea Minerals are just so great for good skin. Overall, a very luxurious product.
The product was sent by the brand for review. However my opinion is honest and unbiased.

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