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Pollinate Media + Madewell’s Midweek Soirée

By Nookandsea @KristinaMGulino

pollinate media + madewell’s midweek soiréeHappy Monday! How was your weekend? Since taking our Napa trip, I’ve had to pile on a few extra days at the office, so this weekend was work-work-work. Today is opposite day – my big break at long last. Besides being more busy than usual in the career department, I tagged along to a fab shopping night at Madewell sponsored by Pollinate Media Group (by the way – if you’re a blogger and haven’t become part of their campaign network, apply now)!

The evening was full of yummy treats, serious window shopping and amazing connections. I finally had the chance to meet Emily of Anna Delores Photography (which, by the way, can she GET any more fun?!), catch up with sweet Lauren from Pink on the Cheek, chat with Rags to Stitches genius and Pollinate Media founder, Alissa Circle, and get acquainted with stunning mommy of two, Summer Alvarez. It’s nights like these that I feel the efforts of my blog are truly palpable (especially when they feel like cashmere) ;)

pollinate media + madewell’s midweek soirée
pollinate media + madewell’s midweek soirée
pollinate media + madewell’s midweek soirée
pollinate media + madewell’s midweek soirée
pollinate media + madewell’s midweek soirée
pollinate media + madewell’s midweek soirée

Emily + Lauren

pollinate media + madewell’s midweek soirée

Summer of Pollinate Media + Made by Munchie’s Mama

pollinate media + madewell’s midweek soirée
pollinate media + madewell’s midweek soirée
Alissa of Pollinate Media + Rags to Stitches

pollinate media + madewell’s midweek soirée
pollinate media + madewell’s midweek soirée
pollinate media + madewell’s midweek soirée
pollinate media + madewell’s midweek soirée

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