Food & Drink Magazine

Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a Genoise to Beat All Sponges

By Shalinidigvijay @shalinidigvijay
OK, for a change tomorrow is a holiday and the winds are blowing up a storm on my fragile windows. After a massive heatwave wherein Accuweather just shows a red thermometer about to burst, the prospect of rain is too delicious to sleep through.
I've just realized that I blogged only 4 times last month, tragic, considering that I baked and cooked like there was no tomorrow.
So with hubby dear snoring away to glory, I am going to blog.
This is a post about my favorite genoise.
A dream cream if a cake.
It is so good and yet nit fattening, however the addition to it make it so good that has to be fattening.
Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a genoise to beat all spongesIts a version if the ubiquitous pineapple cream cake available everywhere. Only this one is lightweight and fresh and tangy and tastes if pineapple.
It was so humid the day I made the cake, the sprinkles bled their color into the cream.
Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a genoise to beat all spongesThis cake was a housewarming gift for a friend. Everyone takes chocolates and little trinkets, I prefer a bottle of wine or a cake or something that I have baked.
Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a genoise to beat all spongesIf they are not worth the effort of an hour in the kitchen, I'd rather not go.
Well obviously these people were.
So here goes.
This is a slightly modified recipe from my most trusted cake bible.
For the
Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a Genoise to beat all sponges
You need
6 eggs1 cup cake flour ,I said modified right this is half plain flour half vanilla custard powder and a tsp of baking powder1 cup sugar3 tbsp brown butter or Indian Desi ghee1 tsp vanilla essence
For the Pineapple Cake
6 slices tinned pineapple 1 cup of the canning liquid2 cups whipping creamSprinkles 
Place the eggs and the sugar in a large bowl like so.
Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a genoise to beat all spongesGrease and flour two 8 inch cake tins or one 9 inch cake tin well.
Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a genoise to beat all spongesOver a pan of simmering water that does not touch the bowl place the egg and sugar mix and whip with an electric blender till it almost triples in volume.
It took me almost 10 minutes.
Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a genoise to beat all spongesLike so.
The pan should be on low heat.
Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a genoise to beat all spongesSee the volume?
Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a genoise to beat all sponges In a smaller bowl place the warm brown butter and vanilla essence and  mix in about a cup of the egg mix.
Allow the eggs to cool and sift the flours twice.
You ought to have turned the oven on before you started the eggs .180C.
Now with a balloon whisk whisk in the flour, I sifted it over the eggs first and then add in the egg and brown butter and vanilla mix.
Two hands to mix so no pics of that stage.
Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a genoise to beat all spongesBatter divided almost equally in both the cake pans.
Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a genoise to beat all spongesNo peeping or checking for 25 minutes. After that check once when the cakes come away from the sides they are done...
Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a genoise to beat all spongesAfter 10 minutes cooling time ,overturn and place one cake right side up on a cake board.
Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a genoise to beat all spongesPour half the syrup on the cake.
Whip the cream and chop the Pineapple slices, leaving a few big pieces for decorating.
Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a genoise to beat all spongesMix about half cup whipped cream with the drained, chopped pineapple bits and sandwich the two cakes.
The second cake should be placed bottom side up for a smooth top.
Chill the cakes to firm.
Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a genoise to beat all spongesAfter an hour or so. Crumb coat with the whipped cream.
This genoise is so soft and has such as a beautiful just absorbs all the liquid and cream around it. The flavor is of vanilla nd pineapple syrup and tangy pineaple bits and cold vanilla cream.
Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a genoise to beat all spongesAnd pipe some rosettes, I wanted to do a basket weave, but it was so warm, I was worried that I'd hyperventilate.
And I needed to get dressed.
Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a genoise to beat all spongesTossed the sprinkles over and popped into the fridge.And this is it...
Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a genoise to beat all spongesUnfortunately,the colours bled by the time I got my make-up on and left,but we didnt have to go far...
Pineapple Cake-A Perfect Sponge Cake and a genoise to beat all sponges
They loved the cake .So it was worth the effort...I'm planning to make a version this weekend.
The phone battery died last night and the rain just was not rain enough.
The gods of rain have disappointed.
But my blog shall not.
So what are you baking today???

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