Politics Magazine

Pedophile Mass Hysteria: The Conflation of Statutory Rape with Child Molestation

Posted on the 18 March 2017 by Calvinthedog

Trash: That is called Statutory Rape. Most 16 year old girls are all for it and needless to say so is the 17 year old jock who manages to seduce his teacher. In the old days it was a fine and probation. Now it is child molestation.

Those guys aren’t even child molesters or pedophiles.

What’s the term for a man of any age who has sex with a 16-17 year old girl.


That’s what you call them. There’s nothing weird, crazy, disturbed, creepy or anything about these guys, and the girls seduce us men about as often as we seduce them if not much more so. And they check out men all the time. I am 59 years old, and I still sometimes get hot teenage girls checking me out, often very obviously.

They seem to be about 16-17, but it is so hard to determine age with these girls because they’ve made it so it’s about illegal to even talk to them. They even stare at me all night long with zombie stares and bedroom eyes when I go to functions. The other day I was in the drugstore, and this Hispanic Mom and her daughter both would not stop looking at me. Mom was sort of 35-40ish, but the daughter might have been 13.

I mean there’s that 16? 15? year old girl with her Dad and siblings who won’t stop looking at me in the coffee shop. Maybe I could call her over and try some conversation, first telling her that I have no sexual interest in her in any way? You can’t even really do that. It seems like if you even try to talk to them, someone is going to hit you.

I think some girls that age want to be recognized. They want you to look at them and check them out and that tells them that they are attractive. It”s a validation thing. 

Of course adult women of all ages sometimes check me out too or act very friendly, but really if you are the sort of man who has women checking you out a lot, you are going to have girls checking you out too. Because they sort of want the same thing. Women love sexy men and so do girls.

I used to teach high school,and it was nuts.

One time I was at this Hispanic school in a senior class and the girls kept making all these fake excuses to go ask the teacher this or that. It was just an excuse to shove their breasts in my face while pretending to have some fake problem. I just went along with it.

Even in 9th grade, I would walk down the aisle and see the girls reaching out to grab my ass as I walked by. They wouldn’t grab it. They would just pretend to. I just let them carry on.

I even had girls openly proposition me in front of the whole class and ask me to meet them after school to have sex with them. The whole class was in on it too, cheering me on. “Go for it, teacher, go for it! She wants you! That girl wants to have sex with you, teacher! She wants you to meet her in the park after school and have sex with her!” I walked over to her desk and asked her if it was true, and she nodded her head very fast yes. I just shook my head and walked away laughing. She was 13 years old, and she was asking me to meet her after school for sex! WTH.

One time I was after school at this Black school. I had all these students around me. All of a sudden, I felt these fingernails scratching my back. I turned around, and there was this 15 year old Black girl with this terrified look on her face. She had been scratching my back! I just chuckled.

I had whole classes of 15 year old girls flashing their panties at me in unison. How do they do this anyway? I couldn’t stop looking at them, and then they started calling me “pervert.” It was some sort of a game with them.

In one senior class, it was dead obvious that this one girl really liked me. She would come up to see me and slink up to the desk all the way from the back moving very seductively and sexy. The whole class stopped what they were doing and looked at her and most of them said “Whoaaaaaaaaaa!” it was totally obvious what was going on. This Hispanic girl was totally hot. Actually she was the Homecoming Queen that year! She was 18, but if you mess with students, you get fired and lose your license, so I never did anything about it. I should have gotten her number for after she graduated but I chickened out.

I taught in Compton one time, and there was this Black senior girl who went into total zombie stare mode the whole time I was teaching. She was rather pretty if you like Black girls. Later I was sitting with the class in the library, and nothing was getting done as usual.

In senior year in the ghetto, you try to teach a little bit, and then most of the students say, “Man, we don’t want to do this!” They all go off and form all these little chat groups, and class turns into sort of party with lots of laughing, jokes, fun conversation. Not one damn thing gets done, but they don’t want to learn anyway. So I would just figure ok, you guys want to have a party instead of a classroom, no problem, maybe I will join you. And I would go sit with  them at their tables.

That Black girl was across the table and still was still in robot-zombie mode. Then she asked me how old I was, and I said, “32 years old.” She said, “You know, I have been looking for a boyfriend right around that age…” Once again, you lose your license if you go for it, so I didn’t do anything. I could have gotten her number for later though but I chickened out.

I can see how all these men are going down for screwing their high school students. It is quite a temptation, and even if you don’t go after them at all, if you look good enough to have women checking you out, they will come after you even if you leave them alone. I was always strong enough to say no, but a lot of teachers probably just cave. I figure in 80-90% of the cases, the girl goes after the teacher and tries to seduce him, and the guy is just weak and he caves. I don’t think I ever even touched a girl the whole time I taught, and I never said one forward thing to any of the girls. It’s a bust, and there’s no reason to do it.

Girls that age want men. They want boys, and they want men too. They like both of us. They like men. We turn them on, even physically, so I’ve been told. They want to have sex with us, either in their heads in fantasy only or maybe the real deal.

This matter is called a Societal Taboo. Our society has decided that they don’t want men messing around with girls under the age of consent. Society feels that this is wrong, and they do not wish to allow it. Society has a right to make up any rules it wants to about things of this nature. You need to avoid breaking Societal Taboos.

In this case, there are some pretty serious incarceration penalties associated with this behavior. Worse, the whole society has come down with Down’s Syndrome and decided that jailbaits are little girl-children, and men who fall to temptation are pedophiles and child molesters. And all of these normal men go on the autistic Sex Offender Registry, which now retardedly has 3 million Americans on it. I would imagine 2-3% of adult men in the US are on that idiot list = 115 million men in the US, most everyone on the Registry is a man, gives you 2-3% of adult men.

At my age, I mess with a 16 year old girl, and I could get 10 years in prison. And I would go on the Sex Offender Registry for life. All for some teenage snatch. Ain’t worth it.

I have not touched an underage girl since I was 21, and I have no plans to do so in the future. Men need to be strong. Men need to control themselves around these girls and not get weak and cave. If you cave to temptation, in today’s climate, you can royally screw up your life more or less permanently.

I don’t have a lot of sympathy for guys going down on this charge because nowadays, only a complete idiot would break that law. If you went down, I would just say you were an idiot and no sympathy for fools. I’m sorry, but you got warned enough times.

If you look good and have women after you, or if you come across as hot or “Alpha” in your behavior, you’re going to have not just women but also teenage girls checking you out pretty regularly. I imagine most of your real Alpha types have women and girls checking them out on a regular basis. Females are turned on by sexy men, and that includes women and girls.

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