Food & Drink Magazine

Pani Puri(paani Poori)

By Harini
Today I have a totally irresistible home made version of the ever famous street food of India,How many of you like this snack/street food which is famous in every part of India.Be it called puchka/golgappe/paani poori it is one most loved chaat though out India right.Now is there an authentic recipe for this dish.I don't think so,every fast food joint/street vendor has its/his own recipe and each one is equally delicious and has a small but significant signature of its own.However pani poori was not something very common in my native.We used to have it from fast food joint which was/is little bit away from home.My mom picked up the recipe from the person who prepares pani puri in that shop and ever since she has been preparing this when ever we wanted.Over these years my mom has modified the recipe a lot and made it much simpler.In our home we don't make tow chutneys but one very tasty chutney,which we dilute for pani.Now for those are not aware pani poori is chaat/street food where small deep fried dumplings are made using rava and all purpose flour.and is filled with mashed potatoes and a very thin chutney is poured over it and eaten in one gulp.You will have to really eat one to know what I mean.It is a wonderful thing to experience the explosion of sweet,spicy and tangy flavor in just one mouthful.Here you with the recipe
Pani puri(paani poori)
Pani puri recipe
Star ingredients:Small puris,mashed potatoes and sweet n spicy water
Time:45 minutes
Yield:30 puris
Paani poori can be broken into 3 components.
1.Home made pooris
2.Potato stuffing
3.Sweet n spicy water
Home made pooris
1 cup rava
1/2 cup all purpose flour
2 teaspoons cornflour
3/4 water
1.Mix all the ingredients together and form a stiff dough.Knead it just for very little time.Don't add more water.Let it rest for just 15 minutes.
Pani puri(paani poori)2.Now roll half of the dough into a big circle.It should be little bit thicker than chapathi,but not overly thin.Cut out small circles using the lid of a small box.
Pani puri(paani poori)3.Heat Oil for deep frying,deep fry the puris from both sides on medium flame.The puri should puff up and become crisp.
Pani puri(paani poori)4.Allow the pooris to cool thoroughly.These pooris stay well for 3-4 days when stored airtight.
Potato stuffing:
Pressure cook 3-4 potatoes.Peel and mash the potatoes well,add a pinch of chaat masala,salt,cilantro leaves and mix well.
Pani puri(paani poori)Sweet n spicy pani
A small lemon sized ball of tamarind
1/4 cup cilantro leaves
1/4 cup mint leaves
20 raisins
4 dried dates
3 teaspoons grated jaggery
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 green chilli
1 dried red chilli
1.Grind everything to a smooth paste adding very little water.This should be of chutney consistency.
2.Bring this chutney to one boil and allow to coll completely.Refrigerate till use(This chutney can be used for various chaat preparations.This keeps well for 20 days)
3.Take 3 tablespoons of chutney and add 3/4 cup water.Now pani for pani puri is ready.
Pani puri(paani poori)Assembling and eating
1.Arrange the required number of puris in a plate.Make a hole in the center.
2.Keep some potato stuffing,pour required amount of pani and devour immedietly :)
Pani puri(paani poori)Notes:
1.There are no specific measurements for stuffing or pani in this recipe.Just add how much ever you want as per your taste.
2.You can add finely chopped onions along with potato.
3.Some of you might wonder why I have not used moong for stuffing,but we have always liked this version more :)

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