Diet & Weight Magazine

Paleo Spiced Cocoa Pork Roast (Paleo, GAPS, Pork)

By Pureandsimplenourishment
Paleo Spiced Cocoa Pork Roast (Paleo, GAPS, Pork)
Do I have a delicious recipe to share with you today! This one is a good one I promise. And easy. My two favorite things in a recipe. Want to know why it's so easy? Because it's made in the slow cooker. That thing just never lets me down. Ever.
This roast turned out so tender that I couldn't even slice it properly (just see the pictures for proof of this).  That's a sign of some yummy meat if you ask me.
This recipe was inspired by the chili I used to make before I removed beans from my diet. I used to add a little cocoa powder to it and it made it so delicious! So I thought, why not try that with some real meat? Well that little experiment was a success. This may be my new favorite roast recipe. I hope you like it too!
Have a great weekend everyone. If you have any feedback or comments please feel free to send me a message.
You will also find me on Facebook and Pinterest where I share many more recipes and health information!


1 pork shoulder roast (ideally ethically and traditionally raised) 
2 TBSP organic cacao powder or cocoa powder (buy here) 1 TBSP organic chili powder (I use this kind because it is SCD legal)1/2 tsp organic cumin powder (buy here) 1 tsp ground organic cinnamon (I used this brand) 1/4 tsp ground black pepper1/4 tsp sea salt (I suggest this kind
2 medium tomatoes diced2 nectarines or peaches, diced with pits removed (if using peaches you may want to remove the skin)
Optional: 1/2 onion, diced (Omit if on a low FODMAP diet)


1. Rinse and pat dry the roast2. Mix the spices for your rub in an extra spice jar, salt shaker, or bowl 3. Coat your roast on all sides with the rub - be generous here (depending on the size of your roast you may have some leftover. I did and am keeping this in a spare spice jar to use later on)4. Add the diced tomatoes, nectarines and optional onions to your slow cooker (I also added a bit of the extra rub mixture at this point)5. Place your roast on top of the vegetables and fruit6. Turn the slow cooker onto low heat and cook for 8-10 hours 7. Serve and enjoy!
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 8-10 hours
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Paleo Spiced Cocoa Pork Roast (Paleo, GAPS, Pork)
Paleo Spiced Cocoa Pork Roast (Paleo, GAPS, Pork)

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