Anyone in the mood for dessert? Is that a silly question? When are people not in the mood for dessert!?
I was craving something with a lemon flavor and this is what came of that craving. It has been taste tested and approved by both my mother and boyfriend so I feel good about sharing this one with you.
In other random news… is anyone else totally baffled by the loss of this airplane? I know this has nothing to do with food but how an airplane gets lost in todays day and age of technology is beyond me! Crazy.
I have also started watching The Good Wife on Netflix. It's addicting. Terribly so. Netflix had done dangerous things to my productivity that's for sure. I still remember what it was like when we had to wait a week to watch the new episode of a given show. Kids these days will never have to understand that phenomenon. Man I must be getting old.
Alright that is just about enough rambling from me. I hope you guys enjoy this one! I dare you to stop at just one piece!
Lemon Crust Ingredients
1 1/2 cups blanched almond flour1 cup coconut flour2/3 cup coconut oil1/3 cup grassfed butter or ghee1/3 cup honey1 tsp lemon extractzest from 1 lemonjuice from 1 lemonpinch sea salt1 tsp baking sodaBerry Coconut Topping Ingredients
1 1/2 cups blackberries1 cup blueberries1/4 cup coconut oil1 package coconut cream concentrate3 TBSP honey1 tsp organic vanilla extract1 cup shredded coconut plus more for decorationLemon Crust Directions
1. Preheat oven to 350F 2. In a large glass bowl add the coconut oil and butter and microwave for 45-60 seconds to melt the oils3. Add the remaining crust ingredients to the bowl and blend well with a pastry blender4. Line an 8x8 glass baking dish with parchment paper 5. Pour crust ingredients onto parchment paper and press down well until you have an even layer6. Cook for 15-17 minutes at 350F, until edges are golden brown7. Remove from oven (but don't turn it off)Berry Coconut Topping Directions
NOTE: Make this while your lemon crust is cooking1. Turn a burner onto low heat2. Place a medium saucepan on the burner and add the coconut oil and coconut cream concentrate, allowing them to heat until melted3. Add the honey and vanilla and stir until combined4. Add berries to the pot and allow to cook for a couple minutes, until the berries start to break apart5. Remove the pot from heat and add the shredded coconut, stir until all the ingredients are well combined
Final Square Directions
1. Spoon your Berry Coconut Topping mixture onto the already baked Lemon Crust and spread evenly until you have a smooth layer2. Sprinkle some extra shredded coconut onto the berry layer, until you have the amount you desire 3. Place entire square back into the oven at 350F and cook for another 12-16 minutes, until the shredded coconut turns golden in colour 4. Remove from oven and allow to cool for 10-20 minutes5. Place entire square in the fridge and allow to cool for 3-4 hours (or if you are impatient like me you can put it in the freezer for 1 hour) 6. Remove from fridge, cut and serve. Keep these in the fridge and serve cold (at least I like them cold)

Enjoy everyone! If you make this please let me know what you think! I always love hearing from you. And as always please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.