from Bite Back
reported by Polish activists (translation):
More than 80 foxes rescued from a fur farm
The animals have escaped a cruel death, which inevitably would have awaited them at the hands of the farmer.
If not you, who?
If not now, when?
Take matters into your own hands!
Z fermy futerkowej uratowano ponad 80 lisów
Zwierzęta uniknęły w ten sposób okrutnej śmierci, która niechybnie czekałaby je z rąk hodowcy.
Jeśli nie Ty, to kto?
Jeśli nie teraz, to kiedy?
Weź sprawy w swoje ręce!
posted on 30 October at 18:02
Go foxes go and thank you for freeing them
posted on 29 October at 01:31
great more people need to do this hope they ran for there lives