Hair & Beauty Magazine

Outfit Haul - Contrast Sleeves

By Obviousleigh @Obviousleigh
Outfit Haul - Contrast Sleeves Outfit Haul - Contrast Sleeves Outfit Haul - Contrast Sleeves Outfit Haul - Contrast Sleeves
Today i thought i would do an outfit haul? if you can call it that. I went to Primark the other day and picked up a few items. Sometimes i find bog standard haul posts boring, so i thought this would be a fun way to showcase what i brought. The best bargain i found was this contrast sleeved jacket, I have had so many compliments on it and when i told people where it was from they couldn't believe it. The quality is unusually good for Primark and it honestly looks like something you would find at Zara. Its unusual for me to buy quite a lot of items from Primark as there can be so much tat. I went for just basics, so i am so chuffed when i came across this Jacket. & now for the breakdown of costs.
Jacket - £25
Top - £4
Leggings - £6
Shoes - £5 (SALE)
Entire outfit - £40
I hope you enjoyed this outfit haul. Maybe i should do them more often. Let me know Leigh x

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