Fashion Magazine

Out & About: Summer Fitness Fun At James & Alex Dance Studios

By Rasha M. @my_vitrina
Out & About: Summer Fitness Fun At James & Alex Dance Studios Once you decide to get fit, everything seems to work against you! Be it your busy schedule, your cravings or the summer heat that seems to rise by the day. In the midst of all these factors, you might feel like letting your fitness take a back seat this season. But we have some great news for you! James and Alex Dance Studios will be running most of it's classes as usual throughout the summer.Take advantage of the indoor setting and stay in shape by enrolling to one of the many dance styles they have to offer.Don't let the heat get the better of your fitness – call the studios now to check for any class changes or cancellations and to book a suitable class for your needs.Why not bring a work friend along? Or attend the session and make new friends? Dance the inches away without the scorching heat tiring you down at James and Alex Dance Studios. The studios are open Saturday to Wednesday between 2pm and 10pm.For more information and the latest class schedule, please call +971 (0)4 4470773. Like our fan page on Facebookhere,or follow My Vitrina on Twitterhere *Photo: Courtesy of James & Alex Dance Studios

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