We kissed this night, looking over the Brisbane river, it was magic. I still remember getting butterflies

We enjoyed a date the next day and both of us still talk about how we didn't want it to end, we saw a movie, went for a walk around south bank, had a coffee and then a drink. The next day was Christmas and we spent the entire day texting one another cute messages and updates of our day. I was smitten... The summer flew by and we saw one another everyday. It was the most wonderful time..

This was us on New Years Eve, we watched the fireworks go off over the Brisbane River..

Our First Valentines Day was so special, Mr B whisked me off to the Marriott, we spent the evening enjoying the room and the view, we had a cosy dinner together and then some drinks at a little bar in the Valley, it was an amazing night.

As the year flew by we had our ups and downs, life isn't a fairytale but we certainly got to know one another as friends and more..

There were ups and downs in our journey and we were not always sure but there was never a time when we were not there for one another. We are best friends and that is one of the most important things, I am so lucky to have had this man in my life .
We have been through so much, family problems,changing and losing jobs, study, losing friends and seeing people for who they really are, we have adopted Lou Lou our Kitten, we have lived in a different country and though it all we have come out stronger, happier and more in love.

When Mr B announced he was moving to New Zealand for work, I knew then that this would either make or break us. We knew it would be hard and discussed how we would approach dealing with the distance, we decided to take every day as it came and to be honest.
I flew across the ditch once a month for 3 months and then we decided I would move, we were missing one another so much and being apart was not worth it any longer. Auckland has been tough for us, there are hard and lonely days but in all honesty every minute here has bought us closer together.

and this time last week he proposed. He got down on one knee where we first kissed.I am the happiest and luckiest girl in the World.pinch me again, I still feel like I am dreaming..