Sorry for the MIA status, but life got a little hectic when we got home from San Fran. We were trying to catch up with work and recover from the trip so I never got to post a recap of our last day. Better late than never right? I still can't believe our trip is already over. It was seriously one of the most amazing vacations I have been on and the perfect way for E and I to spend a little quality time together before Annabelle arrives.
Our last day was spent walking down the Wharf and Embarcadero to explore a few last things we hadn't hit yet.

First up was Giants stadium! It was opening day, so the atmosphere was electric! It was so neat to see all the Giants fans surging into the stadium. There were people everywhere tailgating, playing catch, and soaking up the gorgeous northern California sun!

On our way to the stadium we stopped at The Ferry House for a quick snack. We came across this amazing gluten free bakery, and I enjoyed a cinnamon roll for the first time in almost three years. It was beyond delicious and after a morning full of walking, I was one hungry mama!

We grabbed lunch with one of E's friends from College, Ryan O'Bryant. He moved to San Francisco a little less than a year ago so it was fun to get to catch up with him. After lunch, we rode the trolley back to our hotel to do a little packing. We both ended up passing out as soon as we sat down on the bed. That's what 4 days of walking 10+ miles a day will do to you. When we woke up, it was just about sunset so we decided to head down to the pier to watch the sunset over the Golden Gate Bridge. However, when we got there, all we saw was fog. It was the absolute thickest fog I have ever seen. Everyone talks about how foggy the bay can be, but until then, we hadn't experienced any fog. It was so neat to see! It was so thick you couldn't even see the bridge. The second picture below is the bridge from roughly the same spot at three different times throughout our trip.

The gym in our hotel was under construction while we were there, but that doesn't mean working out was impossible. Like I said earlier, we walked a ton every day and I tried to squeeze in body weight resistance exercises in the room as well. Check out this no equipment required hotel room friendly workout!

Give it a shot next time you are stuck in a hotel room with no gym at your disposal. I'm off to finish a few things and whip up some Sunday dinner. I hope you all have a great week!
In health,