Outdoors Magazine

Our Donation Fulfillment to Children in India

By Earthrunner1987 @earthrunner1987

For every 10 pairs sold, Earth Runners gifts 1 pair of handcrafted bedding-free Ultralight sandals to this worthy cause. Donated sandals help the children maintain quality of life by preventing infections from soil-transmitted diseases and injuries from common hazards like broken glass, metal, etc.

Our Donation Fulfillment to Children in India

Next week, Seva Sandals founders fly from California to India with a ‘hand-carried’ load of donated sandals. Let’s help load up their suitcases! Please consider adding on the “Pledge $30 or more” to provide sandals to a child in need in this community. Your $30 pledge is uniquely independent of Earth Runner’s charitable commitments.

Our Donation Fulfillment to Children in India

A big SHOUT OUT to 6 people who’ve already jumped in to pledge a pair for a child. We’re told the kids are thrilled to receive this essential protective footwear. Your generosity is an experience lived every day a kid puts on that pair of Earth Runners, and as we all know too, the real gift is in the giving.

Our Donation Fulfillment to Children in India

Thanks to all our backers so far! The campaign (at 88% funding) has been a steady upward progression towards our goal and trending to surpass it, as more people become aware of this unique product. We’re grateful for you spreading the word. A nod also to backer, Jason PC who shares this link to Earth Runner experimental graphs on kicktraq.

Our Donation Fulfillment to Children in India
Our Donation Fulfillment to Children in India
Our Donation Fulfillment to Children in India

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