Please write letters to indigenous political prisoner Oso Blanco to remind prison staff that his ailing liver requires continued attention, and that we haven’t forgotten about him!
by Niko / Earth First! Journal

A message from Flint Gray of said:
‘We are calling for everyone to write Oso Blanco a get well card anytime the first week of August (1st-7th)…This helps a few ways.* Raises Oso’s spirit* Shows prison staff we haven’t forgotten about him not receiving proper medical tests for his ailing liver.* Will hopefully STOP the prison from holding mail from Oso which has happened since our call-in/letter campaign.* And most importantly, we need to make sure Oso (& the staff) hears the doc’s recommendations….
Soooo, get a card or better yet make one and write whatever you want on it – what you did today, draw a picture or just sign your name – but please please please also include something along these lines:“It is my hope that you receive an an alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) blood test that helps to screen for liver cancer risk
and a Hepatitis C viral load (quantitative) blood test that lets us know how much actual virus is in your body. I also hope you get an adequate ultrasound of your liver and can see the results.”‘
Please write to Oso Blanco at:
Byron Chubbuck#07909051USP FlorencePO BOX 7000Florence, CO 81226You must have a return address for the letter to be accepted.