And make it we did! But not before brunch! :D
Brunch was once again at Namba station before taking the train to Nara Deer Park!

After a totally satisfying brunch (the unagi don was fantastic!), we bought some bread from a bakery (because deer park = no food= FEAR. Hurhur)

This chocolate bread is my favourite! I love to bring it home and toast it so it's crispy and hot outside and soft and full of melty choc on the inside!

Long walk from train station to the park.

Deer are wild animals! They can kick, butt, bite or knock you down.

Mr Menace not sitting in the park at all but on the university grounds OPPOSITE the park. Wonder how he managed to cross the road?

We are sad because it was raining and we had to sit on a bench instead of go play with the deers. :(
Finally the rain has stopped!

There was a food fair going on in the park and the deer were just wandering around freely and poking their noses into things and conversations.

My first view of the deer!

At first I was super excited to see the stags fighting but after I realised that they no longer had antlers (shaved for human safety), I felt really sad. Like we were exploiting them for our own entertainment. :(

This guy was a deer whisperer man. Everywhere he went, the deer just obediently followed him and did whatever he wanted them to do. The deer could stand on their hind legs or spin around in circles and they were never rude to him. Most of the deer there can get very persistent and mildly aggressive because they want the biscuits. But not those around the guy! He smacks them if they get aggressive and they become really meek and gentle! Alpha male, much?

We love the sweet baby ones! :D

Magic biscuits! Senbei for the deer!

They SWARM towards you the moment they see the biscuits!

How cool is it that we managed to take a group pic with the deer! I balanced the camera on a random ledge in the park and all I could think of the entire time was " please don't let a deer eat my camera".

My friends cannot stop bowing. and bowing. AND bowing to the bowing deer!

It's so hilarious!!!! I just stood there taking pictures of them and laughing. AHAHAH.

I'm not kidding! The deer really bow! (Okay, and me too haha)

THE SCENERY! GORGEOUS! Such a wide expanse of grassland for your to run and play!

Nara Deer Park is really a GREAT place to go especially in autumn when the leaves change, the hills are a-rolling and there are deer all a-roaming. I highly highly recommend it!