Environment Magazine

OPP Block Roadways at Tyendinaga Territory

Posted on the 01 March 2014 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal


State “concern for public safety” as Mohawks and supporters gather around fire on the side of Wymans Road

by  Nahnda Garlow/ Two Row Times

********Saturday Mar. 1 11:00 am. UPDATE:******** According to our friends who are at Tyendinaga the scene is peaceful. There has not been a rail link blocked. Despite frustrations that the Federal Government has not responded with even a negative response to the request for an inquiry, folks at Tyendinaga are gathered with good minds and clear intentions.

A group of people have gathered at the Mohawk Territory of Tyendinaga today and gathered in a direct call for an inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women across Canada.

Last weekend Shawn Brant, a Mohawk man from Tyendinaga addressed a group gathered at Six Nations Polytech and said that an ultimatum was issued to the federal government that they launch an inquiry into the matter of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women by February 28th. To date there has been no word from federal officials that an inquiry is in the works.

Now a group of supporters have made a fire alongside Wymans Road within the Tyendinaga Mohawk territory near the Bay of Quinte which is south of the 401. Other media are reporting this as being a blockade, however according to Two Row Times sources at this point the group of supporters are peacefully standing around the fire to bring attention to the demand for a federal inquiry.

Today police blocked off Wymans Road between Hwy 2 & Callaghan Road. Social media reports were floating about saying there was a heavy OPP presence all along the ramps entering and exiting the 401 around the Tyendinaga/Shannonville area all the way to Napanee.

The OPP went to Twitter this evening as well saying that “protesters” at Napanee have left. The OPP took responsibility for closing Wymans Road for “safety reasons”. They also stated via Twitter that the 401 is open, but that Wymans Road between Hwy 2 & Callaghan Road remains closed.

We will keep updating as the stand continues.

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