Politics Magazine

Open Democracy: The Voice of the Suicide Left

Posted on the 14 November 2016 by Calvinthedog


This man is from Open Democracy, a very crappy organization that is a symptom of everything wrong with the Democratic Party in the US. This group is all about “rights.” That’s all they care about: rights. They don’t care about anything else. Of course this boils down to Identity Politics. The group is run by George Soros.

Apparently what’s needed is to double down on Identity Politics X 10!

The struggle is now about democracy, democratic organization, reaching out, building coalitions of support that weaken the fascist base and getting into, in a serious way, class, race and identity.

Apparently, the “Left” position is “Assad must go!” What?

And foreign policy: Assad and Putin know that they can crush Aleppo with impunity because President Trump is only interested in something they also want, a massive air attack on ISIS.

Apparently the “Left” position is full throttle support for the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization!

This isn’t even to start on Trump’s repudiation of generations of US foreign policy consensus on NATO…

The “Left” position is free trade uber alles! more trade agreements, please, on the double!

The seismic economic shifts are impossible to reverse without cutting off trade and growth, in which case greater fairness will come at the cost of huge economic contraction.

The “Left” position is the usual fake lie of education and retraining which has never worked anywhere yet.

What’s needed is a long-term plan of retraining, strategic investment in education and a great deal of research and development work for the new economy.

The “Left” position is bipartisanship and working hand in hand with the Republican Party!

All of which requires coordination, rather than endless bipartisan confrontation in both political and legal systems.

The Left position is that those stupid redneck Whites are so evil for hating the foreigners who took their jobs or are doing them in China. How evil and racist of those White Supremacists! Why can’t they just lose their jobs quietly and go homeless so an illegal alien or a Chinaman can enjoy a meal tonight? You know, sometimes you have to give a little.

You just have to take back power from the government and throw out the foreigners who have stolen your jobs or are doing them in China.

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