Food & Drink Magazine

Oodles of Noodles

By Yonni @vegandthecity
Oodles of NoodlesHave you heard of Tofu Shirataki noodles?
In both angel hair and a wider-ribbon version, these soy noodles are a solid gluten-free, egg-free, guilt-free "pasta" for those looking for something different.
An entire package is 40 calories and 1 gram of fat.  There are 4 grams of fiber, 2 grams of protein and are very low in carbs.
Now, the consistency, as you might imagine, is very different from a noodle as there is not that usual starchy texture.  When you use them, cut open the package and pour the noodles into a colander, rinsing them well with warm water.
Next, place the noodles in a paper towel-lined bowl to remove any excess water.  It is a hard noodle for sauce to stick to, so you want them to be as dry as possible.
I recommend cooking up a vegetable stir fry, adding some seitan, and then tossing in these noodles just before serving.  They don't need to cook, just to heat up.  You can also try them with a tomato sauce with broccoli or spinach, or a touch of vegan butter, topped with vegan parmesan.  See what you think!  You should be able to find them at any health food market in the refrigerator section.

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