Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

One Word Wednesday: Striving.

By Jenrene

To Strive means: to exert oneself vigorously; try hard.
What was the latest success you had in striving?

For me, striving has been  a necessity this year, because I needed to  be comfortable with my new life as a mom. I actually “strove” to temper my very being with a different routine. It was very hard at first, but I managed.

Was it for a relationship?

Sometimes as a mother you have to extend yourself, because children don’t always understand what”no, you can’t eat right now means, their needs are immediate, and we  are not  adequate as parents, unless we move right away, right? One of my challenges lately has been  on helping my child to become more independent. As big as her appetite is, she has to learn how to snack, and also understand mom isn’t always in a cooking mood. ( Smile)  It’s been a task, but i think we are beginning to get there now.

Have you ever thought about nature how it strives to come to birth?
How the earth strives when earthquakes happen and the earth shifts and the winds take form to form tornadic winds?

Just as the earth groans and has growing pains, so also does our lives.
Our lives can be just as tumultuous at times and we still have to find a place to rest in peace.

 Moreover, I think we have to  work on  also accepting that sometimes LIFE will have some ups and downs, and we have to learn how to be supported in the process of living. who are strengths, and who helps us to feel supported, even when we are down and not feeling our best.  Do we surround ourselves with people like this? Or do we choose to be only with those who drain our strength.

Other meaningful definitions of  STRIVING  are: to make strenuous efforts toward any goal: to strive for success;to contend in opposition, battle, or any conflict; compete; to struggle vigorously, as in opposition or resistance: to strive against fate;  rival,  and to vie.

Sounds like some of  the things we really want to have in life involves a pressing into purpose.  Or making sure we give it our all.  I love being in relationship with people who believe in  giving it their all. They are dependable.  Yes,  they are. You  should try having these kind of relationships. They actually might make you happy, When people put forth effort in their relationships, it means they value them HIGHLY.
Striving helps bring about life cultivation. Oneness of mind and spirit. Take a look at this video,  below.  Striving helps to build communities.  Wonderful. Describes  striving well. Very well.

Banking On Change (12 min version) from Pilgrim Films on Vimeo.

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