Politics Magazine

One Party

Posted on the 26 May 2016 by Calvinthedog

As Bretibart News has previously reported, Ryan’s views on foreign migration, foreign trade, and foreign wars are more similar to Hillary Clinton’s views than those of GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump.

One party, under Mammon, with freedom and justice for fuck all.

Clinton and Ryan are Republicrats. The Republicrat Party consists of the RINO’s in the RNC and DINO’s in the DNC. They hate each other, and they are very different, but they are more alike than you think. The RNC-DNC “Centrist” coalition is nothing less than the US elite, itself divided into “conservative” and “liberal” wings. Granted, there are strong differences between these wings, but on some issues, they are the best of friends. The Republicrat Party and the Central Committees of both parties simply represent those where the liberal and conservative wings of the US elite agree and unite.

If there is one thing we can say about this area of coinciding interests is that it represents internationalism. The US elite are internationalists, not nationalists. They take the internationalist position on immigration (open borders), trade (“free” trade or the corporate rule of the world) and foreign policy (US imperialism, US hegemony, the US as ruler of the world).

The first two are very bad for US workers. The last is very bad for foreign workers, and US workers get no benefit. All of the three benefit the US rich and multinational corporations. So the Republicrat US elite is opposed to the interests of US and foreign workers and believes in the US and Multinational Corporation Rule of the World. In other words, the US elite are the invade the world, invite the world crowd. This is what the US rich and large corporations want: invade the world, invite the world. let corporations rule the world. There is nothing in any of this for the average US or foreign worker. It’s lose-lose for all of them. It only benefits the bosses, the rentiers and the trust fund kids – the enemies of the workers.

The US elite represents the US rich and multinational corporations, the wealthiest and most powerful Americans. Granted, the US ruling class is split into liberal and conservative wings, but these wings are constrained by their class interests, and on a number of issues, their class interests converge.

Trump, while a member of the elite, is a US nationalist, which makes him odd man out and persona non grata among the internationalist US elite.

This gives added weight to the notion that:

There is no Right and Left anymore, there are only nationalists and internationalists.

– Marine Le Pen, French nationalist

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