Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

On Proclaiming & Receiving

By Jenrene

Only a few months ago I made a" shift " in my life and began to seek out friends with similar goals and inspirations and complete projects.

Lo' and Behold.. I found some wonderful women to add to my circle.

It led to this. A Rose in Bloom.
On Proclaiming & Receiving

My friends Kim and Kristi and I were able to pull of a phenomenal conference for women this past weekend and it was awesome. I woke up with an unsettled stomach and friends came and supported me. I often try to take on too much, and I have a little trouble asking for help, but friends were there. I so appreciate them for helping out with photos, and with a snack and tea even when I didn't really ask for it. well, I suppose I asked for the photos, but it was awesome just to hear without hesitation, "Yes, I sure will."

So.... this past weekend I was in the same place I was a few months ago...speaking at a conference

at the A Rose in Bloom conference,

except this time I was leading the conference.

Someone decided to invest in me.

To show me the ropes and encourage me to get something accomplished well.

And it worked very well.

Oh.. and did I say we had SO MUCH FUN!

On Proclaiming & Receiving

These two ladies right below, Kristi and Donna... are pretty awesome. Let me tell you.. having friends support your dreams - does not come as easily as you would believe... I love to support people, and I am grateful to have two women in my life who fully support mine. Not just by showing up, but by believing in me, encouraging me and even particularity with me, in my delivery of those dreams because we see eye to eye and we believe "We are our sister's keeper."

On Proclaiming & Receiving

Even one of my blogger friends traveled from afar - Long Beach California - to see what were were up to!
It was exciting to meetf "Teach Good" for the first time.

Now can I say ...that just Amazed me? Well, it did. Jennifer's an awesome person and I am so grateful I had a chance to meet her in person.

If you want to know more about Jenn, go to her blog and website at

On Proclaiming & Receiving

If you would like to take the course I created TAKE IT NOW... ( CLICK HERE) because if you do, the course will grow , overtime. And with no extra charge to you, you will ave that price for a small amount in a few weeks as the course grows , it will increaseivn price.

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