Hair done in the ombre style has become increasingly popular among women in many parts of the world since the past few years. The word is French for shade or gradation, and the ombre style is defined as colouring hair in such a way that it is darkest near the roots and lightest at the tips. It may seem expensive and difficult to do, but here are some steps you can do at home so you can achieve ombre hair that you can show off in public.
For Long Hair:
1. Choose and buy a highlighting kit one to two shades lighter than the natural color of your hair.
2. Once you have chosen and bought a highlighting kit, prepare it on a clean table and cover your chest and shoulders with a towel.
3. Place the gloves that came along with your kit on your hands. Mix all the ingredients according to the instructions stated on your kit.
4. Apply the mixture halfway down the whole length of your hair. You may have to wait around twenty to thirty minutes for it to process, depending on the original shade of your hair.
5. Apply what remains of the highlighting mixture at the tips of your hair. Because this part of your hair is supposed to have the lightest shade, you can have the ends wrapped in foil to make the processing faster. Depending on the desired lightness, this step might take thirty to thirty-five minutes.
6. The last step is rinsing your hair. Make sure to do this until the water flowing from your hair is clear. Keep in mind that some highlighting kits come with a conditioning step.
For Short Hair: You will need the following items when you want your short hair to be done in ombre style:•Toothbrush
•Mixing bowl
•Tonal Powder
•Applicator Brush
•Volume 10 Developer
1. Mix the developer and bleach powder on the mixing bowl in a 1:1 ratio. Make sure that the texture is thin, but slightly creamy.
2. Make sure to have clean, dry hair first, then check your head and the parts you would like to lighten.
3. Then clip half of your hair up and begin working on the lower layer. Start in front and work back on every side, using your brush to apply. Also, be sure that you work the bleach from the tips to the roots. Put gloves on your hands instead of applying the color with bare hands, as the chemical is bad for the skin.
4. Get the toothbrush and then use it to blend the bleach to your hair strands. You do not want to have harsh lines on your hair.
5. Move on to the bottom layer of the opposite side, making sure that you work as fast as possible since the color begins to develop as soon as you begin.6. Put another layer of hair down and put color on it.
Remember that when starting another section, apply bleach thickly. Also, make sure that the ends are completely coated while the middle section is not that coated. This allows the ombre style to be achieved.
7. Put a shower cap on and blast your head with a hair dryer for five minutes or until it dries. Once you see the changes on your head, you can then proceed to washing and conditioning it.
These are the things that you should do to make your hair have an ombre style. Aside from doing the steps mentioned above, you can also have short or long tape in hair extensions placed on your hair by a professional stylist to enhance its overall look or correct any mistakes made. For more information about tape in hair extensions, visit:
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