More old photos--I can't identify any of the people. Some white folks touring Florida (possibly one of my great aunts)--at Bok Tower and in an orange grove. Accompanied by a Black woman--who, at that time, would not have been allowed at a tourist attraction except as a uniformed adjunct to a white employer.
I love her earrings--and her dignity.

Here she is again. Contrast the expressions of the three women.

The Civil War was long over. But Jim Crow laws in the South meant that Black people were still condemned to a quasi-slavery--which, in turn, enabled whites of modest means to turn over childcare, housekeeping, yard work, and the like to people of color. Ah, that gracious Southern living--built on inequality and suppression.

What's the story here? A young man stands at attention while a toddler has his picture taken. What were that young man's thoughts? What were his aspirations? What did his future hold?