Fashion Magazine

Oh i Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside

By Threadandbutter @threadandbutter
Hello! I'm pleased to say I'm back in the blogging world. Some of you might think I was never gone in the first place, but admittedly I have been a bit rubbish on the writing front. I absolutely love blogging on Thread and Butter, and it helps me channel all my creativity into one project. If I'm away from it all for too long find myself flitting from one inspiration to another and become slightly overwhelmed, often resulting in doing nothing. These past few months I have been living back at my parents house to save money for THE BIG MOVE. As some of you may already be aware i'm upping sticks to start my nurse training beside the sea in Bournemouth. As all my stuff has been crammed into bags and stored in various cupboards and garages, it has been really difficult to delve deep into any real projects. I am due to move in a week and have already started bookmarking on Etsy for housewares, finding out where all the local carboot sales are, and of course looking up the forecast. Despite September officially starting Autumn, and pushing us further away from any hope of a decent summer, I am surprisingly excited for this new adventure. 
Dates for the diary:BOSCOMBE VINTAGE MARKETEvery first Saturday of the monthBOURNEMOUTH ARTS BY THE SEA FESTIVAL29 September to 29 October 2012If you are from around the local Bournemouth area and know of any events that might interest me then send me an email on [email protected] or just leave a comment.OH I DO LIKE TO BE BESIDE THE SEASIDE

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