Back in March I would get up, make coffee, go straight to my computer and work-work-work until I couldn't handle being home anymore, then I'd pack all my stuff up, go to a coffee shop where I'd buy coffee and a snack and continue, working until I got sick of that and then I would go home and make dinner.
Now I'm working about 30 hours a week at, a print-on-demand t-shirt website. I love it. My boss is awesome, I have fun challenging work, and I get to work in the ever so cool co-working space, The Urban Hive.

We work out of a big room with lots of tables, chairs and other professionals. We work with photographers, graphic designs, pastors, real estate brokers, musicians.... the list goes on.
Now my mornings look a lot different. I don't get up and start working immediately. I take time with my husband before he goes off to work. I get dressed up pretty and make a little lunch. Then I bike 15 minutes to the Hive and get out my computer, pour my coffee, chat with my coworkers and start working.
I'm saving tons of money on coffee and snacks, there's always delicious french press coffee flowing at the Hive. Instead of buying lunch at a coffee shop everyday I'm making a lunch. I get more done because I'm not thinking about all the things around the house that need to get done and the best part: so many awesome new friends!
There are just too many wonderful Hivers to name - but here are a few of my coworkers to give you an idea of all the cool people and what they do.
- Brandon Weber: he's the guy in charge, if you want a membership you talk to him. He's also an awesome guy and a real estate broker.
- Eben Burgoon: one of the funniest people I know and a writer of the webcomic Eben07.
- Clement Charles: musician and event technology expert and all around gentlemen. He plays for us during our weekly Happy Hour, which is such a treat.
- Veronica Delgado: public relations specialist for artistic types and non-profits extraordinaire.
- Nicholas Wray: freelance photographer; he's doing a portrait project for the Hive, taking pictures of all the members. He shot me last week and I can't wait to see the picture!
- Rashell and Jessica of Invitations Ink: These girls are amazing and I'm not just saying that because they came over and helped pick plums and dig a trench in my backyard. If you need creative, unique wedding invitations - these are your girls!
- The Entire Crew of iSuggest: if you have an smartphone stop reading this and download iSuggest right now! It's an application that allows you to give anonymous feed back for your favorite businesses directly to the managers and owners. "You're out of toilet paper," or "please bring back the tacos," whatever you feel like letting them to know they can make their service better. It's a great application and tremendously valuable to the businesses in your community! Plus, all the people working on this application are awesome, so that's a plus.
- Steven Bloom: runs Go Time Marketing and, if you need a regular dose of comedy news his blog should be bookmarked.
- Rachael Lankford - The director of Sacramento 365, a great website for figuring out what do to in the Sacramento region.
Here I am taking a break from work to "Owl," which is a silly internet craze where people perch places and get their picture taken.
Can you find the "owling" person?

Did I mention once a week we have happy hour where Clement plays guitar and we all hang out after work.
Sorry about the poor quality iphone photos. Turns out I don't have as much time to take pictures and update this here blog. However, I am updating regularly over on the blog - you should check it out and leave comments!