And Summer...
Two things ,like oil and water...just don't mix.
Too hot to study,to difficult not to...such a vast syllabus to cover...
And then the trials of dealing with teenagers who seem to know much more than they should. They do what they should not be doing, while not doing what they should.
Is that a universal problem?
So we resort to Sarcasm.
And at the staff room table,there are those who speak sarcasm...those who I prefer to converse with primarily because we speak the same language...
Those like me ,who are few and far between.
So when one of my species moves away to warmer(stickier )climes...pun unintended-One needs to wish them well.
This cake was for a colleague...who is now moving to Kolkatta-hence stickier climes-Nothing could be warmer than Jalandhar City at this time.
To Mrs Poonam Kapoor...thank you for all the help and for your excellent company.
We'll miss you in the staff room...the conversation will not be as piquant...or interesting...
All the best ,and we wish you enjoy your stay in Kolkatta.
So this Victoria Sponge cake was in your honour!Made at night...when I discovered my stock of plain flour was severely diminished and I had no neighbor called Kanchan Bhartari to ask I had to use custard powder.
Early morning, I have to leave home by 7 10 am to ensure that even if the rail road crossing is closed...I can still make it to school before the bell rings.
So,up at 5 40am...I hacked the non dairy cream from is frozen state and managed to whip it into this pretty pink fluffy concoction...
Why pink...because white it too plain...
And I felt like a pink frosting today...
That's why!
Quick to make ...
Difficult to transport ...
And quick to finish...
That's how I like food!
for the
Pink Frosting,and Eggless Victoria Sponge Cake...
you need
One recipe of the eggless sponge from here
250 mils non dairy rich cream
125 mils mixed fruit jam
drop pink food colouring
The cake...
Follow the instructions...
I made two recipes as I had to make cup cakes for sweet child,his vacations have begun..only the teachers have to trudge and sweat it out till the end of next counter his woes of nothing to eat at home.
While sifting,I realised that I was a half cup of flour I substituted with custard powder...
I so miss you Kanchan...I have nobody to call when I need stuff in the middle of the night.
So 12 cuppies and 1 cake later...
I packed up for the night...covered the cake with film of course...
Early next morning...I had to hack out the frozen non dairy cream and whip it up...
Tinted pink...
I whisked the jam too...
Jam is not an is compulsory in a Victoria sponge.
Victoria Sponge Cake is a simple tea cake,made with a sponge ,sliced and filled with fresh fruit preserves-I used mix fruit jam and topped with fresh cream.
Sliced...And a wee bit of milk poured in...
Topped with the whipped jam...I never bothered to clean the whisk blades,so the jam was full of cream...
Topped and prettified.
And now the cuppies...
I dug a hole(in the evening-I may be superwoman-but I am not mad...I need to get to work on time!)
Filled the holes with melted chocolate...
And topped with the left over cream...
And check out my sunflowers...
From my garden...
Sunshine and yellow go together...
The frosting was melting under the crazy heat 43C here...
So sweet and yummy...
But I'll miss the sarcasm...
All the best Mrs Poonam Kapoor...we'll meet again some time soon...
If all else fails ...there is face book and Whats App!
So what are you baking today???