Scarecrow's Garden Journal Notes: October 2012:
After 2 years of growth the Sweet Williams Dianthus barbatus are flowering at the bottom edge of Bed 7!
Temperature Range for October:
Lowest Min -0.9C
Highest Min 13.5C
Lowest Max 12.8C
Highest Max 32.9C
11m Rain
Rain comparison with other years: October average is 29 mm:
2012 11mm
2011 26.5mm
2010 57.5mm
2009 58mm
2008 3mm
2007 15.5mm
Harvest Tally for October:
Doesn't include Greens fed to the chooks on a daily basis or herbs picked for use in the kitchen for cooking or tea making. For Salads, Juice and Stirfries I have been picking Silverbeet, Gotu Kola, Lettuces, Beetroot Leaves which are not always weighed.
Asparagus 741g
Beans Broad 183g
Carrots Mixed 1082g
Silverbeet 216g
Total Veg Harvest for October 2.3Kgs
Strawberries 138g
Total Fruit Harvest for October 138g (just beginning to harvest some fruit at last!!)
Total Eggs for October 189:
140 from the 5 Farmyard Ferals (despite each of them going broody during the month!!!)
14 from the lone Barnevelder (I found where she was hiding her nest!!)
65 from the 4 Faverolles
October of Previous Years:
The Black Sultana Grapevines out the back are ready to burst into flower.
I finally managed to clear most of the weeds from the Old Chook Run Garden and have started planting up the beds...the Brown Onions are growing strongly and we will soon be able to start harvesting some.
The Main Vegetable Garden Pond Edge has burst into flower attracting many beneficial insects to protect the vegetables planted in the garden.
To see how the various Garden areas fit on our half acre block check out the newest Planting Plan for Spring/Summer HERE This is updated as planting occurs.
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