Politics Magazine

Obligatory Anti-White Male Comment of the Day

Posted on the 22 October 2016 by Calvinthedog

The fact is that White males are the pinata of the whole country right now and it’s ok for everyone to beat the Hell out of them. Therefore, I thought I should speak up. I am an appropriately self-hating White male who now calls himself a transnigger androgyne in a feeble attempt to do what can never be done – atone for the limitless sins and evils of my pathetic race and by lowly, debased gender. Yet even I cannot stand by and lets these – our – my – transgressions go forth unpaid. I must shed my endless layers of privilege, cast them aside in the breeze, and take part of the well-deserved flagellation of myself and my people. I humbly present by bare naked White ass to you non-White non-male exalted ones for your pummeling pleasure.

I am in gratitude to SJW Central. As an organization, they are doing their best to doing their best to give us the beating we so well earned until we repent our ways and present ourselves to the non-Albinos and vagina’d ones for our overdue punishment. In order to help with the cause, SJW Central is offering $10 for every White male bashing post published for the next three weeks. Long overdue!

As a White male of course and I am not only evil racially but I am also inept genderwise. As such, of course I am too lame to work. Anyway, I should remove myself from the workforce to allow non-Whites and breasted ones to please partake of my earnings instead of me. I don’t even ask you to share. I’m worthy of being shared with. Please enjoy it yourself and leave me to my justified solitude, poverty, and penance. What I am trying to say is that as an evil incompetent White male, of course I am too malign and lame to work, so I will gladly jump at the chance to earn $10, especially by pounding my ill-begotten kind:

Found on the Net:

The fact that Trump will win among White men while so many other groups find him so odious should tell you something about why white men have such a bad reputation among so many people.

Ouch! That hurt! No matter how much you love us palefaced penised ones, you have to admit that is painfully true. As noted above, that we are deplorable should go without saying.

There, I did it. OK, you happy now?

Now give me my ten bucks, you freaks!

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