Debate Magazine

Obamacare - Is It Worth It?

Posted on the 18 January 2013 by Stupiditybloggr @StupidityBloggr
I am writing this post about Obamacare because Democrats act like this is the best program the US Government and President Obama have ever implemented into the system. Personally, I believe it is the worst program ever implemented in the system!
This healthcare act was supposedly designed to reduce overall health care costs by making services available to the 32 million citizens who currently can't get insurance. The way I see it, this is nothing other than a myth.
Anyone would be able to obtain discounted health insurance either through private companies or through their place of employment (Given they are employed). For the people that can't afford health insurance, the Federal Government will pay the States to add them to Medicaid. Here is where the problem lies. On June 28, 2012 the Supreme Court struck down the mandate that States must add people to Medicaid. Some States may still decide to take advantage of this portion of Obamacare because the Federal Government will take care of the Bill for the first several years. Only 5 States have decided to "take advantage" of this.
The major myth people don't realize about Obamacare, it does not GIVE you health insurance, it simply FORCES you to pay for it. You ask, how is the Government going to make me pay for health insurance if I don't want to? Don't worry, they can't make you pay for insurance, but, they can tax you for not buying it. That's right, The Supreme Court mandated that it was unconstitutional to allow the Federal Government to implement a commercial enterprise such as health insurance. But, the mandate was approved anyways because it was considered a tax, which is within the constitutional right of Congress. These changes will be implemented by 2014 and the 32 million people that currently don't have health insurance will be mandated to buy insurance or face a tax or penalty. So, either way, starting in 2014 you WILL have to either purchase health insurance or face a penalty for not paying for it unless you live in the 5 States that have decided to mandate Medicaid if you are within 133% of the poverty level.
These 5 States that are going to mandate Medicaid are eventually going to raise taxes to pay for the extra citizens enrolled in the program. So not only will the employed US Americans have to pay for health insurance, they will also be paying taxes to support Food Stamps recipients and the extra citizens enrolled in Medicaid.
The tax that will be implemented in 2014 for those who do not wish to purchase health insurance will be 1% of your adjusted gross income. These numbers will rise to 2% in 2015 and 2.5% in 2016. However, there is a minimum amount you can be taxed. It cannot be less than a base fee for every adult. This base fee is $95 in 2014, $395 in 2015, and $695 in 2016. So this means, a married couple that does not purchase health insurance by 2014 will have to pay a minimum of $190 in taxes/penalties. If they do not purchase health insurance by 2015 they will have to pay a minimum of $790, and so on. So, the logical and smart thing to do is to purchase health insurance by 2015. It seems to me that the Insurance companies, Government and Hospitals are going to benefit the most from Obamacare.
On the other hand, there are a couple pro's of Obamacare:
1. Insurance companies cannot deny children coverage for pre-existing conditions. This benefit will apply to everyone in 2014.
2. Parents can put their children that are up to age 26 on their health insurance plans.
In conclusion, this healthcare act is nothing more than a way to lower the US budget deficit by raising taxes and shifting cost burdens off the Hospitals and Government and forcing you to pick up the tab. Now Obama supporters, YOU'VE BEEN HAD! How do you feel now?

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